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Georgie is home


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Hi everyone,


I collected Georgie last night... He Is looking fantastic :kiss: He perched on my shoulder the whole journey home (an hour and a half) lol


He was shy when we put him into his new cage but sarted exploring anyway. Ate a few seeds and had a drink.We left him to sleep then.


He Is still a bit nervous this morning and wants to be on my shoulder all the time. :laugh: At the moment he Is sitting here with me at the computer trying to eat everything from the phone to the speakers :laugh:


I think he's fav food are grapes at the moment ;)


So over all things are going great at the moment so hopefully will stay like that :)<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/09 11:18

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That's great news - can't wait to see some photos of him. This time is such a precious time and the baby stage is over far too quickly.


The only thing I would say is that next time you take him out in the car you should really have had him in a carrier - a sudden fright can send him flapping around the car and can cause the driver to lose concentration etc ;)


Can't wait to see some photographs - I love babies!! :)

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He's after eating little bits here and there throughout the day so Im not to worried now. I'll just make sure to keep an eye on him :)


He loves been out of his cage an keeps flying back onto my shoulder even when I take him off:laugh: which means Ive got nothing done today lol


He's asleep now In his cage so I have some time to myself.


Owning a grey Is even more wonderful than I ever imagined It would be :)

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Another question for all of ye...;) Georgie does this scraping thing at the bottom of his cage. I think It's when he wants to come out. He puts his head in a corner at the bottom of the cage and then moves his legs really fast back and forth. He Is out of his cage nearly all of the time so it is not that he needs to be let out.. It's not nice to watch so i take him back out but i dont want to do this everytime or he'll make a habit of doing this.


advice please :blink:

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The scraping thing is entirely normal - it's been discussed a million times why they do this - whether it's forraging as they do in the wild or as little attention seekers - I favour the attention seeking.


Harvey doesn't go to the bottom of his cage ever - and uses his food bowl to scrape around manically - he wants to be out.


Leave him - you are right you don't want to get into the habit of getting him out - he'll think that's how he gets his own way every time. Don't worry about it though - it's totally normal ;)


Glad to hear Gorgie's settling in x

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Congratulations on bring your new baby grey home.


The photos are GreYt and he's a fine looking baby Grey.


The mental image of you and he spending quality "PC" time is a dear one.


It sounds like he has taken quickly to the new home and parront. He is doing eberything a baby grey does.


Looking forward to more photos and updates. :-)

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Georgie Is eating a little more today than he did yesterday so Im happy with that :)


We went to visit my nan today so I bought him a carrier for going In the car... Its for cats but it does the job just fine... A towel and a few grapes In It and he was happy out ;)


He's had a couple of crash landings over the last 2 days so Im nervous when he goes to fly and i try catch him if it looks like it going to end badly. He hasnt been hurt but Its scary to watch. Also when he's In the cage he climbs up and down the bars and falls to the bottom alot and it makes me want to take him out :( but he's out so much that i want to get him used to a few hours in the cage for when im not home.. but i dont want him to break his feathers and all...


Any ideas???

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Place a blanket under the papers at the base of the cage to cushion any falls.Maybe lower the perches untill he is more agile.It is normal for greys to have a few crash landings when getting the hang of flying skills.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/10 20:17

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I was so happy when i called to my boyfriends house last night. He said he wanted to give me one of my Christmas presents early. I couldn't understand why but when I saw It I knew why :)


It was a gorgeous new cage with a lovely playtop for Georgie!!! I was delighted!!! And so was Georgie!!! We are going to bring his other cage over there and bring the new one home so he can sleep over In my boyfriends when ever I am :)


Id say he got It in fear that If I couldn't bring Georgie to stay that he would never see me :laugh: Maybe he was right ;)


I put a towel at the end of his cage as adviced and he sleep on the towel all night. Aww he looked so cute :P


Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/11 10:11<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/11 12:15

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Delma, I am so happy for you and Georgie and your boyfriend to be getting along so well together. The first couple weeks are a little scary with wondering if you are doing enough of the right things, but Georgie will settle in and you will learn what he wants and how to keep him happy. Congrats on your early Christmas present, your boyfriend is paying attention. Enjoy all your special moments getting to know your magnificent little friend.

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Hi all, Just a quick question... Iv'e been offering Georgie all sorts of foods... Potatoes, carrots, oranges, apples, pineapple, tomato, cheese, lettuce, cabbage, strawberries, rusks, sweetcorn, brown bread, raisins, peanuts etc... but all he will eat is the sunflower seeds out of his seed mix and grapes.


I know he Is young but why Is he not eating well? and should I be worried?

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