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Micheal went back and Hannah came home..


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Well, its been a trying past few days. Micheal's rescue woman missed him terribly and he missed her. The lady contacted me about getting Micheal/Cosmo back. Micheal was coming along slowly but with his severe fear of me and everyone of us, we decided to give him back to her and we adopted Hannah. Blue and Gold macaw. A 2 year old who was hand fed and her owners lost their house and were living in their car forcing them to sell Hannah. She is still missing them terribly but she will take treats from me and stretch out her neck to get them. She does not scream, she sorta grunts occaisionally and tries to say Hannah.

Ok I know NOTHING about Macaws. HELP!! I don't want her to develope bad habits and she is a quick learner. I've been bit all over by a African grey and watching Hannah make short work out of walnuts is scary to me. I know its gonna take nerves of steel to train her to step up.

She really doesn't know how to be handled and will nail you. Yesterday she taste tested my fingers with her tongue and I'm taking it as a good sign she didn't nail down.. Should I go slow with her as I did ceasar and Micheal? She seems like she wants to learn and be close but she is also new here..

Thanks a bunch,


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Thanks Guys.. I think she is beautiful. Still miss ceasar tho. Yesterday she came out of her cage when I opened the door and she set on top playing with Linkin. She would try and get away tho if I came near prefering to "cage surf" but I did get her to take some peanuts and a couple of cherries. She's a pretty good bird.

Hugs, Rhonnie N Hannah

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Don't show any fear around Hanna or she will take full advantage of it. Macaws are great bluffers but it usually all an act if she does bite push into the bite and don't back down if you give that tail of hers a little pull if she bites she will let go imediatly just a little trick. If she really trying to play the tough act look at her and say no way it isn't going to work with me I'm bigger than you and get your self a step stool step up onto it open your arms like they were wing lunge your head forward and say HA very loud she will understand this as it is the same body language that she uses. I know this sounds a bit strange but I have 2 Macaws and I just got a Green Wing about 3 weeks ago and he's allot bigger than your little B&G hes was trying hard to intimidate me and I showed him that its not going to work with me and now we are becoming good friends. A macaw bite hurts allot less then a African Grey bite by the way yes they can cause damage but will very rarely use that kind of force unless absolutly nessesary like when cracking a nut they are very gentle birds more like puppys actualy then birds. don't be afraid because he can read you better than you can and they love to test to see what they can get away with.If you've only had her a very short time just relax and give her some space and time to settle in she may come around on her own after she gets a little more comfortable with things B&G are very playful fun loving birds your going to fall head over heals in love.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/12/09 19:35

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Macaws love it when you mimic their head movements and give a little huff sound when doing it. They are more open and more interactive than a Grey and big bluffers. I volunteer at the local Exotic Bird Sanctuary and get to work with them(mostly B&G) every weekend, each one of them has such a different personality from big and tough to sweet and shy.

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Thanks Tyco'sMom and greywings. She did go for my hand last night and I pushed into it instead of yanking away and she bit lightly then let go. Not to say it didn't hurt. The pressure is alot more than the Greys but she didn't use the tip of her beak which was pretty cool.

Thanks for the info. Any tips on teaching her to step up?

Rhonnie N Hannah (whats Step Up?)

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Step up isn't hard close your fist tuck your thumb in and make the skin on the back of your hand very tight move in slowley saying step up if she lifts her leg move your hand or arm in under that foot saying step up once on your hand you can move her to a playstand or some other nutual area and practice this put her down on the play stand then say step up don't worry if she uses he beak its just to check to make sure that your hand is a safe perch also with a clenched fist with the top of your hand lined up with her beak she will not be able to get a hold of your skin to bite because the skin is tight. so don't worry if she doesn't know how to step up gently push your hand against he tummy just above her legs this will cause her to lift her leg at this time say step up aput your arm under the foot don't back off if she lifts her leg tostep up follow through and pick her up of you will be sending mixed signals. when she does step up give her tons of praise tell how smart she is and how good and wondeful and beautiful make a big deal of it everytime and she will soon learn to stepup automaticly it will become a habit and that what you want.

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Thanks Pat..... I tried that and she found a wrinkle in my skin with her beak and pinched. It didn't draw blood or anything so it definately merits repeating. I think she's just a little too fresh in the family and a tad scared. I know she has to miss her owners..

Bill was able to get over his fear of her big beak tho yesterday. He noticed the two bites she gave me where harmless enough and gave her a couple grapes (oh she just loves grapes! She throws her head back and sucks all the juice out. She makes them look like they taste like heaven.)and then he fed her some tiny peanut peices. I told him she would probably tongue him as well and not to move his hand and he was rock steady. She tongued him a bit and took the peanut. So far she really loves peanuts as treats.

I think Hannah will come along fine as she is here longer, We are pretty tenacious about loving our birds and Now Bill is getting into them hard to. He holds linkin and verbal everyday. I'm tickled he is getting along with Hannah cause he couldn't hold Ceasar or Micheal.

Thank you for any and all info Pat!!

Rhonnie N Hannah (hey these people aren't too bad)

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Thanks Lyn, Yeah Micheal was a troubled little soul. I was told he'd never see the inside of a cage again and that he could go back to his job of cage surfing and meowing back at the cat along with individual attention. I hope he does.. He was just terrified of everything! He did soo well here tho. Gained weight and was looking really healthy. His feathers grew back in pink! Someday I'll have another grey, but for now I have a fantastic bunch of birds here to love..

Rhonnie,Hannah,Linkin and Verbal

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Macaws love to chew on wood by the way and they need lots to keep their beaks in good shape go the the lumber yard and buy 2x2x8ft untreated pine or spruce have them cut it into 2ft pieces for you and then you can cut it into 3in size block and give her a few everyday I call them wood cookies and my birds go through them like their going out of style I buy at least 6 2x4's and 6 2x2's everytime I go to the lumberyard my trunk is full then I go home and get out my little electirc jigsaw and cut it all into blocks Chatot my GW goes through a 2x4x8 every 2 days. my Harlequin not nearly as much but still chews his share You can drill and string them up if you want too but its definatly not nessesary they really don't care as long as its wood. LOL I put a big sheet under where they chew so I can just pick it all up at once and dump it into my compost pile in the back of my yard it make for easy clean up. If I had a fire place it would make great kindling.

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