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bird room questions


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Hi everyone, I have a few questions about a "bird room". I know a lot of you have one, and I have seen many pictures of them. I just bought a house, and one of the rooms will be designated "bird room". Now I know what I will have in it; ropes, toys, cages, gyms,ect...but how long and how often do you allow time in the bird room?do you have them in there while your home? when my birds are a way from me they start to call. However it would be a little nice to have a semi "normal" living room w/o gyms and cages. I will leave one or two hanging gyms so they could be with me in the living room. I just want to know how everyone uses their bird room. Thank you for you time Stef

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When someone sets up a bird room it becomes an area that they stay in most of the time. The more birds a person has, the longer they can stay there. They entertain and interact with each other. As far as them calling you, if you constantly react to the calling by coming over the more they'll do that cause they know what to expect.

One thing that should be avoided is getting into habits and steady routines with parrots.


Think of your bird room as a huge playroom where just about everything is available including places to rest and sleep and eat.

Playrooms are often created in order to keep birds away from all household situations such as cooking, cleaning. Bird rooms also allow a person to rest up a bit during the day without worrying about a bird that's about to fly down on his/her head. They also allow a person to do many things outdoors while the birds are inclosed in a room.


Basically, you can take out the birds as often as you like to be with you but I personally don't think it's a good idea to decorate another area that could possibly look like a bird area to hang out in. Doing that will guarantee that you'll lose a semi "normal" living room. Their room should be for them and whatever time they're with you should be your choice.

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That makes a lot more sense. I guess I wanted more of a place where they'll have more fun, like a disneyland for birds :). But at the same time I'd also like them with me while I'm watching tv or what not. Well There goes my semi "normal" living room :P

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