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Parrot Sitting Register?


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I'm not sure how many members this site has but I'd imagine it's the most densely populated of the parrot forum sites.


I was wondering, one of the biggest "problems" with being parrot owners must surely be what to do about our parrots should one of us dare (;-)) to take a holiday. I know Jill is fairly close to another member (Lyn?) and I know there are other members in my city according to the map on my profile page. Does anyone think that we might benefit from a register of owners willing to take care of another members' bird/s should they go away providing of course, they are within the same city. We could perhaps drop off our fid/s en route. Just an idea.

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Unfortunately Greywings - the bad guys can make our that they are good guys through the media of the internet. I'd like to think that every one of the friends I have here are genuine, loving, caring parronts - but strictly speaking we could all (me included) be lying through our back teeth about who we are, where we are etc (indeed, do I even own a bird ;)


I think it is a good idea though - although I am unsure my nerves could handle the responsibility of two morons in the house - I have enough trouble with one!! :)

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Gee, that whole process sounds like the French Underground that existed in WW2.


It's better to stick with tried and true methods which is a boarding shelter or at the Vet's office or at a relative's house.


To use friends, everything must be planned out ahead of time and those plans could unexpectedly change at the last moment.


All people who own parrots usually find out that they'll eventually have to lose or change lifestyles and normal plans.

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I think its a great idea providing you get to know the people involved,if they live in the area . It would help a lot of people out.How many posts do we see where people are afraid to go away. I myself have only had 1 holiday in the 6 years I have had Charlie, boy do I need a break.I understand people can get let down and a back up plan would need to be in place.


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/07 21:59<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/08 20:37

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Personally I would need to know someone pretty well(from meeting face to face) to trust them with Earl.


However one thing that has crossed my mind, is the possibility of setting up play dates in the park, during better whether.


I think it would be cool if members within the same city could arrange to meet some warm afternoon and let there Greys meet. That would possibly facilitate the getting to know other Grey owners, which might allow you to meet a good sitter. The only issue being that the organizer for each city would have to be collecting health certificates, to ensure nobody brings an ill parrot.


Not sure how many places would have enough active members though.


Theres actually a CAG in the window of an Apartment that Earl and I regularly walk past. I've always wondered if the owner reads this forum :).

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