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new african gray

Guest phishsticks

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Guest phishsticks

I have a new little rescue in. She is a plucked wild african grey. She has all her down but not proper feathers and is very very scared. I have named her 'Polly' and put her into one of the smaller large cages as she is prone to panicing and falling and she might hurt herself in the large cage with 'Cuppy' and 'Piper'. Had her for a week and there is some improvement already. She makes contact whistles which I copy back to her so that she understands I am trying to communicate with her. Each day I have to move her cage to open the curtains and at first there was total panic, but now she is a little tense but no panic. I sit cuddling the puppies where she can see me to show her that I am not a nasty predator and this helps a lot. I will keep you posted on her progress.

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Guest phishsticks

Rest of the zoos is great and I have a new hobby. Keeping fancy fowl. I have several colours of pekin bantams, some barbu d'uccles and silkies, also large fowl blue, black, splash and partidge cochins.I hope to take some pictures tomorrow. In the meantime there is a link on rec.pets.birds to some pictures of the guinea pigs, conures, canaries, and barbu d'uccles all munching hppily on some nice grass I got from the feild across the road from me. The post is titled 'community living' in case you are interested.

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  • 2 years later...

Wild caught? I'm sorry.. But that's horible. How old is she? I don't see how taking her from her home was any good.. If she was plucking out in the wild a very dramatic change like this doesn't seem to healthy.. Eventually i'm sure she will come around it just seems wrong for some reason.. Sorry only my opinion.

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I agree with you Moddy. There's enough breeding going on in order for people to leave wild birds in nature alone and in the place they're used to.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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