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Will my birds get along?


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I'm bringing home my new baby grey tomorrow evening and I just need some advice on how to introduce him to my sun conure (which I'm certain Is actually a Jenday but breeder told me was a sun conure)...

Is It ok to have the both out of their cages around the house at the same time??? I'm not sure If Louie (Sun conure)Is male or female as I never got him DNA tested, so will this matter to how they get along If they are the same sex? Louie Is one. My baby grey Is a male and Is 13 weeeks<br><br>Post edited by: zzzelama, at: 2009/12/07 13:27

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Well I'm no expert in this matter, but I can say a few things... are your birds clipped? That could make a difference... If Louie can fly away from your Grey then she should be safer...


I used to have a Quaker Parrot and a Parrakeet, both fully flighted, and as long as they were out of their cages they were fine, but then one day I had my Quaker out and she got onto my Parrakeet's cage and bit into one of her little toes... it was terribly scary...


I would say never leave them alone together without supervision, because you just don't know. Also, every bird is different, so watch how they interact and I think you will soon be able to tell if they are going to be friendly or not.


Hope that helps, and good luck with your babies! At least they are both young... hopefully they will accept each other before long :)

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Recomend keeping them separate until you are certain the new guy is not bringing any new germs or virus home. Then allow them to see each other and observe their reactions before allowing any contact. Always supervise interactions between any birds, like children they can get frightened or upset easily and the damage is done very quickly and with little warning. They could end up being best buddies or you couyld find out they are jelous of each other? Only time will tell and your Grey being a bay should make thing easier to start with.

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You will find your Conure will be much more interested in making freinds than your Grey. But, at such a young age, your grey just may take to him.


Since your Conure is flighted. There is really no way of keeping him from checking out your new grey. You will find however that your sun is not stupid and is very fast at get-aways if needed.


The comment regarding quarantine is accurate and should be heeded. DNA sexing does not test for all the possible diseases your baby could possibly bring with him.


Some have diseases that will not show up on a test at the vets until it is actually full blown in the bird.


Unless you have taken your bird in and had a full blood panel, gram stains and exam. There is no guarantee it is healthy and disease free.


Looking forward to hearing how this works out for you and seeing photos. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/07 21:47

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