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Bismark and His Travels


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Hey everyone!


It has been a while since my last post - the subject of which was my concerns about taking Bismark to my parents houses.


I took Bismark to my father's house on Friday (11/20) for the evening. It went very well - I took this makeshift perch he likes and during dinner he sat near me (eating tidbits I would sneak him). It took him about 15 minutes of checking the place out before he would relax to the point where he would start playing with his toys. He would get nervous when people would approach him, and puff up if a finger came near. Apart from that - things went smoothly.


Two days later, Sunday, I took him to my mother's house for an afternoon/evening. And again on Thanksgiving for the entire day. He had been to her house before - that is where I met him/picked him up. He loves her house! It has a large, open floor plan with lots of windows. Both times it took him no time to become comfortable and unbelievably I could wander out of sight and he wouldn't care.


Thanksgiving day there were quite a few people in the house, so I set up his perch in a sun room far from the crowd. Right outside the window my mom has a bustling bird feeder - I wish I could have recorded Bismark watching the finches! At first he seemed a little stunned, and shy - but then later on when I peeked in on him bobbing his head and babbling nonsense at the birds.


The only concerns that arose with these trips are:


Bismark is absolutely terrified of my mom's two dogs. I'm sure if properly introduced, he could be comfortable around them - but when on my shoulder and I walked around a corner and he saw the terrier Bismark flew off my shoulder and into a window. The barking that ensued after didn't help.


Bismark does not like car travel. I've heard of people having "traveling cages," for their birds - but would like to make it less stressful for him. It doesn't help that I drive a two seater convertible that's loud and a rather rough ride.


Anywho - time to wrap this up. I'm still trying to figure out a way to introduce people to Bismark - he's really shy most of the time. Apart from that he's fantastic, feisty, lovable, and intriguing.


I attached three pictures of Bismark at my mother's house and one of him on my desk getting a kiss ;-)

(they turned out too small, so i included a link under each to the normal size view)


















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Guest jamalbirdbiz

my birdz also both luv traveling and seeing new things. but they know the rules. first they must put on their flight suits and then the harnesses. good 2 see ur bird isnt confined to just one place all the x. :evil: minez would probably lose it if they were done like that. :sick:



AFRICAN GREY EXPERT AND A TOP POSTER<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/12/07 09:03

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GreYt update on Bismark. :-)


It sounds like he enjoyed himself, except for the dogs. Actually. it's a good thing that he is afraid of critters that can chomp him down in one bite. :-)


I really enjoyed viewing the photos. Post more often when you have the time!! :-)

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If you get a travel cage, let us know how it works out. I have one who will insist on riding on my shoulder and one who wants in my lap, no matter where I try and perch them. One is clever enough to let herself out of the cat carrier and waltz over to my lap.

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