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Thanksgiving and new toys :)


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So Yoshi had a fun Thanksgiving too! Off we all went to my Brother's house, and Yoshi was as relaxed as ever in the car, I guess since she is used to it. She preened herself as if preparing herself for all the people she was about to meet. :P


When we arrived there were 3 kids and a dog running around, as well as 4 adults and my husband and I, so she was pretty nervous, a lot more commotion then she is used to. Plus, she hasn't spent much time around kids yet so she seemed a bit edgy.


Before long though, she was settled in, either riding on my shoulder and sharing the appetizers I was eating (cheesy crackers, broccoli, and nuts) or on her portable table top stand watching everything that was going on. She warmed up to the kids, especially the littlest one, who got out his bucket of toys and thought it was hilarious as he gave her one toy after the other, which she held and nibbled on then dropped.


While we had our dinner, I put her back in her carrier in the other room for some relax time away from all the craziness, then after everyone was settling down talking and watching TV, I got her back out, fixed her some turkey, mash, corn, a couple nuts, broccoli, etc. and fed her. She had a blast :P Not long after, you could tell she felt the effects of eating a lot and wanted to relax too, because she fell asleep on her stand right there in front of all the family... one foot up and her head back, happy as can be.


I was worried bringing her would be a mistake, and yes it was extra hassle and stuff, but in the end I sure am glad she could enjoy thanksgiving too :)


Sorry I didn't post this earlier but I've been busy :P Here is a pic of her eating food from me(First pic I've ever posted on here with me in it, lol) :PphpIGgBFBAM.jpg


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You know what gets me about your photo? YOU ARE IN SHORTS!!! Then again, I could wear shorts and I might get hypothermia in about 10 minutes!!!


Great shot of you and Yoshi - glad you had a great time and you've socialised her a bit more - you'll have to invite them all over to yours next time!! :laugh:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

You know what gets me about your photo? YOU ARE IN SHORTS!!! Then again, I could wear shorts and I might get hypothermia in about 10 minutes!!!


Lol Jill, there hasn't been a ton of bad weather in Florida yet, just a couple cold days and a week of wet weather. I used to live in England though, so I know it can be a bit different over there! :P

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