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Timneh Ill?


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Moe is better, about to spend his second night at the Animal Emergency Center in Novi, MI... wonderful, caring staff (albeit 1-1/2 hours away)! They are still not sure what is causing his illness but doing bloodwork today, and should know more. They said it might be some sort of bacterial infection.


My husband and I drove him there yesterday; I was holding him in a small cage on my lap and when I lifted his blanket to see how he was doing, he said "Hey You"... I just melted! Moe's more than a bird to me, he is so sweet!!


However, the vet bill is approaching the amount of money I paid for him seven years ago, so pray for him that gets well soon, OK? THANK YOU!

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Blood test results were not good - extremely high levels for uric and liver totals. Avarian (2nd) vet says Moe has Viseral Gout, which tends to happen in older birds. She had never seen this happen to a bird as young as Moe (7 years). :(


She says with medications and a restricted diet, he may live for one or two more years.


I will be happy to have as long as I can with him, but this news is so SAD.


Thank you everyone for continued prayers.




PS - Has anyone else had experience with this disease in their bird?

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Oh that is very sad news Tam.


It just breaks my heart, as I am sure it does yours. It is like knowing you are going to lose a young child to cancer.


I hope and pray that the treatment works better than the vet thinks and Moe lives many years beyond the projection.


I have never heard of this disease, but now that you have identified. I am going to find all the information I can about it and how to avoid it, if possible.


Thanks for updating us and please keep doing so. Moe and you are members of our flock here now. :-)

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Oh Tam - I am so sorry. I have had experience of visceral gout - but it was in my 17 year old cockatiel. The vet assured me that he was in no pain at all with the visceral gout - it's a build of of uric crystals when kidneys start to fail, but at the end it attacked his joints (he developed articular gout).


There are many ways you can slow down the deterioration - good clean water supply and encourage drinking (flushes the kidneys). I don't know about a time scale - but my vet said that Spiky had had it for many years before the symptoms of articular gout appeared.


Once again, I am so sorry - but now you know you can help him live his days out happily and try and promote good health in him.

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Moe is now home and in an "incubator" (fish tank with reptile heating pad and screen top). To say the least, he is not impressed! Sleeping a lot tho', which is probably the best for him now.


We have FOUR medications to give to him with eye dropper... any suggestions on how to successfully get all the meds down him using the dropper?


Any suggestions would be appreciated. THANK YOU! Tam

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I just wanted to let everyone know that have been concerned that my Beloved Moe died this afternoon. He only had one round of all four medications, and was drinking water, but not eating.


I held him for a few hours and put him in his incubator to get his final dose for today and try to feed him something, but when I returned he was gone.


THANK YOU all for your concern and prayers... Moe is in a better, more peaceful place now, and without pain.



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Tam I am so sorry to hear about Moe's passing, you poor dear, you must be devastated but he is not in any pain, he is flying freely over the Rainbow Bridge.


Just know that Moe loved you very much just as you loved him in the very short life he lived, please accept my condolenses on your loss.

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Tam, I am so sorry to know the sadness you and your family are enduring. The vision of him looking up at you and saying "hey you" is just as sweet as anything I can imagine. It is little consolation that you only knew of his illness for a short time, it is always a shock to lose a loved one. My heartfelt condolences are with you.

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