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So, I have a concern. I have an eight month old Congo Grey who refuses to potty anywhere near or around his cage. Therefore, I have been taking him outside to potty. He goes on command, only if his feet are on the ground. Montego is fully clipped and my husband and I live on a 250 acre ranch in northeast Alabama. Our yard is fenced. No cats or dogs. I have recieved some negative feedback to this habbit that Monty and I have establihed. Any productive advice? I want Monty to be safe an happy. He is not happy pooping in his cage. He lets me know when he needs to go. What do I need to do? I am doing the best I can.

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Goodness me are you going out every 15 minutes or so - because Harvey needs taking to his playstand to poop every 15 minutes - he is, mostly, potty trained.


He only refuses because you have him accustomed to practices you describe. Leave him in his cage and you will see he will go when he needs to - he won't "explode".


He is still a very young bird and easily remediable to change.


Harvey doesn't like to mess his cage either - but when forced to (such as one overnight stay we had away from home) he had to "go".


Additionally - just because Monty is clipped doesn't mean he can't escape. If he is frightened or caught by a gust of wind he will be able to get away.


I personally would leave him in his cage just to show that he will go - it might take quite a while - but it will show you that he won't make himself poorly.


Good luck - you can't go on for the next 40 - 50 years taking a parrot out to poop every 15 minutes!!! :)


I've trawled the forum for the article I found particularly helpful:


http://www.greyforums.net/forums/training/109-potty-training.html#109<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/12/05 18:12

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Sorry Keri that I don't have any helpful advice since my bird is new. Some people have had success putting a paper towel down and when the bird does his business, praise him and give him a treat. Then wherever you put the paper towel he would know it is his potty place. Other people use a sturdy basket with a handle in the center, line it with paper towels and carry it from one room to the next and that could be his go to spot. I have heard strict potty training is hard on the bird because if they don't get their message across they will hold it long enough to be detrimental to their health. This is just anecdotal based on my reading and not experience, but it would be a good question to ask your vet. Good luck working out a solution with your grey, I know you want what we all do, for our grey to be happy and healthy and safe and balance that with him living in your home. Good luck.

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The key is targeting where you want your grey to go Poop. Instead of outside, place him on a T-Stand you may have or other place you wish him to go and give the "Go Poop" command. You should start this with his first morning poop when he needs to go the most urgently.


Once he gets this down, he will wait until you take him to where his "Pooping Station" is and go.


They will go eventually in their cage. They can only hold it so long. My grey does not like pooping in his cage either. But, if we do not let him out early enough he will go.

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I just wanted to interject into this that I thought Talula was a broken bird at first. She didn't poop for 16 hours. Then one huge massive plop sound was heard and yup, there it was, she couldn't hold it anymore.


Females can hold it in for up to 20 hours I think, as they only get off their nest once a day when trying to make babies.


Sounds like you won't have this problem tho :)

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