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what does everyone line their bird cages with?

Codys Mom

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was curious as to what everyone uses

a friend of mine dropped by today and she was talking about they might stop selling news papers soon I guess not to many folks in michigan buying the news paper and thats what I line my bird cages with :( now if this happens I have no idea what would be economical and safe to use , my hubby suggested useing paper towels but I know that would be expensive as I have KC in a 42x30inch cage and Rudy is getting a new cage next year a 40x30 and Opey is in a 28x24, any safe, healthy and cheap ideas? I did find some cage liners and they sure aren't cheap and some butcher paper and that wasn't to bad priced

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I can't imagine that they would stop selling newspapers altogether, I no longer get the daily paper but I continue to get the Sunday paper, I stockpiled some before my subscription ran out. I know a lot of people get their news by the computer now so the daily paper does not sell as well as it used to but it will be interesting to see what happens if newspapers fail to get printed in the near future, any alternative to lining the cage bottom will prove to be more expensive which is the way of everything nowadays.

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Jill you are too funny, gold leaf, hahaha. In Java's small cage, I use puppy pads. I get 100 from Kroger for eighteen to twenty dollars when they are on sale. For Juno's big cage, I just found the larger 36 inch bed pads like hosptials use, 120 are about the same cost at Sam's Club. My cages have grates that keep the birds from chewing on the plastic liners and they are soft and easy to pick up the corners and roll up the mess.

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I use ground wallnut shell litter. I sift it out at least once, sometimes twice a day, with a slotted scoop. I change it about every week and a half. My birds are only in their cages at nite, and when they're eating. So the litter stays pretty clean.

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I too am using Uhaul Packing paper, but I wouldnt go buy some I feel I use atleast 6-8 sheets a day, it is too thin and the mess just soaks right through! my Aunt had a few boxes full in her basement so I am using that until I run out and then I go back to good ol' newspaper!

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I use newspapers and I remove 2 sheets in the morning and another 2 sheets in the evening. If there are a lot of pieces of food around the edges of the tray, I have a little tiny hand broom and shovel to scoop them up. I line with about ten pages thickness so it lasts around 5 days. Then I wash out the tray and the bottom cage bars in the bathtub.

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I use good old newspaper, we get it on the weekends and it is the best for lining cage trays, I also use it under the stands that my birds eat their dinners on, when they are finished I take it up and replace with clean, I have to admit I have a stack of it on hand.

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I also use a thick layer of newspaper and remove the soiled layers as needed during the day. One of the Greys always tears hers into confetti but that keeps her busy and happy so I just sweep up what falls out. I put old towels on the floor around the cages to catch the droppings when they are playing outside the cages. Then just pick up and throw into the laundry and replace with clean ones, it saves on mopping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the stuff called k cob its ground corn cob where you use like a cat litter scoop and sift through that way you pick the bad stuff out but don't have to change everything and I think it looks better than paper when they poop its kinda like litter it kinda covers it and on the greys cage he can't get to it because he has a grate the green cheeks does not but he doesn't mess with it.

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I use the stuff called k cob its ground corn cob where you use like a cat litter scoop and sift through that way you pick the bad stuff out but don't have to change everything and I think it looks better than paper when they poop its kinda like litter it kinda covers it and on the greys cage he can't get to it because he has a grate the green cheeks does not but he doesn't mess with it.


You really do not want to hide the poops for they should be observed daily for proper consistency and color, it is usually the first indication of illness and you should become familiar with your birds droppings to know when they are not normal and newspaper works the best as you can see it and it is easily removed and replaced and costs nothing or nearly nothing.

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I also use newspaper... Does anyone think it would be bad to line the cage with newspaper on TOP of the grate, where he could get to it? It's just that his poop sticks to the grate and it becomes nearly impossible to clean once it dries...

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