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I think Darius might be sick.


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He looks ok and is eating ok but today he was on my bed playing with me and he walked around for a few minutes and kinda scraping his top mandable with his tongue and beak like something was stuck on it and then some liquid started drooling out of his mouth I have to leave to go to work but now I'm worried his poop looks good and he hasn't lost any weight but This was very strange could it be a stress related thing maybe. Has this ever happened to anybody else.


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Well I took Darius to the Vet today. apparently the hole in the roof of his mouth leading to the sinus area is swollen and inflamed like we would have if we have a sore throat. Some how it has gotten irritated. I feed my birds a warm supper every night and she thinks maybe he might have gotten a hot spot. Any way he's fine in every way other than that. She concerned about a secondary infections so she put him on a Antibiotic he has to have it 2x a day for 10 days its called nova lexin. I feel so much better now that I know he's not sick. I just hate it when things like this happen for no apparent reason. Thanks for your concern and support Its nice to have someone that understands how upsetting it can be when your beloved baby's are sick or displaying symptoms for no apparent reason.

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Well I got his first dose of meds into him really easily but I don't think the rest are going to be that way. he has to take .o5 2 x daily which isn't very much so tonight when I offer the syringe I guess he thought he was getting somthing yummy and I just shot the works into his Mouth he looked at me like mom what did you just give me and walked backwards away from me as if to say that was not good at all. the look on his face was just priceless I couldn't help but laugh poor baby I don't know how I'm going to get the rest into him I may have to mix it with some apple sauce or somthing. We also weighed him while we were there and Darius exactly 1000 gr so he has gained 350 grams since he's been with me. The Vet said he still a bit under weight but its not a bad weight and he at least in the normal range for his speices. I was just thrilled about that I've only had him since July so in 5 months he's gained allot.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/12/06 09:56

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That's great Pat - poor little Darius hasn't had the best starts in life anyway - but then found you!! We all know how lucky he is to have you and I'm glad to hear that he's on his way to recovery.


350g weight gain is fab in such a short time - yet again I will say it - he is so lucky you rescued him :)

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