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The Judy Thread


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As the site was down last night when I finally got the chance to get on I couldn't read all this that was going on, you bunch are nuts and Jill, you are the craziest of the bunch but you sure did give me a laugh, thanks for that at least. I miss you all, some more than others and they know who they are, I love hearing these little tidbids of info and you are always welcome to leave me pms to brighten my day when I finally get on late in the day, I need a laugh then the most.

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judygram wrote:

I miss you all, some more than others and they know who they are.


Mmm, I think I might be borderline!!!! :laugh:


Well, this morning tried to get on first thing - site was down so I had to do some real, paid work - not happy - can admin sort out the technical stuff when I'm asleep please? :laugh:


It's not long until Saturday now Judy - we'll all be able to catch up then (well, my banning order permitting as I still have three whole days of riotus activity before you can rein me back in!!!) :woohoo:

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This is the funniest thread I have ever seen!! You guys are all NUTS!!! I think Dan and I should have an admin meeting and perhaps make a room for you guys, you know.....a place to hang out while the meds kick in.........or a place for all the nutty ones to gather..........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Talon wrote:

I think Dan and I should have an admin meeting and perhaps make a room for you guys


Will you just tell them you are making a Jill Room - all this beating around the bush isn't good for anyone and I feel a fraud sitting here pretending I don't know!! :woohoo:


You and Dan better have an admin meeting soon - as obviously once Bernie and I take over you'll be reduced to litter pickers - in fact, that's if we find a job for you at all!!!!!


I've logged in and have no threatening messages from Judy - so either she's monitoring our wild ways, or has just thrown in the towel!!!! :laugh:

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Oh you better believe it baby!!


Judy leaves us for a few days Lyn and that's it - me and Bernie run wild! Janet tried for about five seconds to stop this utter mayhem, but rejected my offer for her to become my surrogate mother (I am still weeping about this). I could have all been stopped, if it wasn't for the rejection from Janet.


So, really, Janet is to blame for the riotus activity being enjoyed by Bernie and I!!! :laugh:

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Oh they don't realize it, but we already had a meeting. Created a virtual grey forum they are now in when logged in. It just generates random respones to them from copies of our forum members...much like Matrix...


10101010101010101 10101010101 1010101 10101010 I mean good posts everyone.


Matrix_reloaded_neovarchitect_600.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/09 16:25

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Bernie, Bernie, here, Bernie - can you put Nell McAndrew down and talk to me?


Can you believe that that bunch of fools on grey forums are having to look after parrots - clean bird poop, feed ridiculous diets to their birds, buy toys, teach them to speak - their parrots only have one "special" person.


I can't believe that here Brad Pitt is feeding Harvey and cleaning his poop and is that Angelina over there peeling your grapes?


Well, I'm glad they think they exiled us - but really I think THEY'VE CREATED A MONSTER!


I'm not going back - it's better being here - they don't know what they are missing!! Dependent on how Judy reacts, we'll see if she wants to join us - it is her thread after all!!!! :laugh:

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I have never had my grapes peeled, Andrew McNelley who is she? {buy toys, teach them to speak} Jill how can you teach a toy to speak for gods sake woman !! and who is special ? I would like to say that if my grapes need peeling, I would like to have a think as to who would get the job.

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Jill, Jill, Jill still trying to pass the buck, and a counterfeit one at that!!!! How soon you forget that old saying, “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou cans't not be false to any man." Besides do you think that Judy would have left the keeping an eye on you to any mortal????? :laugh:. Judy left that job in the hands of the most capable person for this time of year, or have you never, ever seem him because of your naughty ways??? Just in case the person guard..... I mean watching you is..... wait for it...




I understand your naughty list is very long and they are attaching post-it-notes to the sides!!!!!


As for Bernie well, Santa might not be the right one to keep an eye on him. Once Santa learned that Bernie played the guitar he wanted




to start a band with Bernie!!!!



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