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The Judy Thread


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Judy's just told me that she won't have access during the day to come on the forum - meaning that it will be difficult for her to keep up to date with her friends from different time zones (particularly us in the UK as she is five hours behind us).


She will miss out during the week - so what about a nice little message summary of what's happened during the day for her to read when she comes home!!


Weekends are fine - we'll see her then though!


Well, what is our loss is someone else's gain :(


So come on - keep her updated!!!!

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I guess as it gets closer to Christmas we are all going to be more busy and will probably be on here only when we can grab a little bit of "me" time. I have missed seeing Jude this week, I guess she has been busy at work and although I've had a quiet week work-wise it has been hectic in other ways so I've not been on much either.


BTW, the snow-covered house below is how I imagine Judy's house to be. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/12/05 14:23

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At the moment it actually is, it is snowing hard this morning, don't know how much we are supposed to get but will take whatever we get, I love to watch it falling, I am in heaven at the moment.


Jill, don't think you can run amuck thru the forum in my absence, others will be my eyes during the day for a while and you never know when I may get to take a peek myself, after all I do have a blackberry, heh heh heh.

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judygram wrote:

Jill, don't think you can run amuck thru the forum in my absence, others will be my eyes during the day for a while and you never know when I may get to take a peek myself, after all I do have a blackberry, heh heh heh.


I get away with nothing do I - I am clearly the forum's "naughty child" - they always get caught :dry: :whistle:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

My wild week starts Monday - no Judy to keep me in check Janet - do you want to become my surrogate mother!!! :laugh:



No way Jill, unless we can lock you up for the whole week. :P I'd be glad to bring the stale bread and stagnate water for you!!!:silly:


I have had a trying morning!!! My desk chair broke and I had to go get a new one yesterday. This morning I stupidly knocked chocolate milk on my keyboard and had no space bar and the letters N F G H J B will you get the picture wouldn't work and I had to go buy a new keyboard! :blink: And I come back and you want me to be Jill's surrogate mum!!!!! Not on your life!!!! :woohoo: :laugh: :P;) I need a valium!!!!

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Ha Ha Ha Ha! I feel unloved!!! Nobody wants me!!! Actually - that reminds me of a great song we used to sing as kids:


Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going down the garden to eat worms. Long thin slimy ones, short fat stubby ones, gooey, gooey, gooey, gooey worms.


Well, you bite off their heads and you suck out their juice and you throw their skins away. Nobody knows how I survive on a hundred worms a day. Ole!


Guess that's what I'll have to do since nobody wants me - it's going to be great with the water and bread on offer!!! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/12/06 10:47

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I know we're not supposed to keep Judy updated until tomorrow - but I haven't seen her today either - so here's the first installment:


Bernie has been on the lake with his boat today. Reckons he has some film footage of it which he is going to upload to YouTube.


I have now been talking to him for over an hour - no signs of the video - reckons it keeps crashing.


He's also been telling me of other "homemade videos" but I'm not going into that :laugh: :laugh:

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Right! Today's the day I run riot - no Judy to watch me, Janet didn't want me - therefore I am alone - to do what I want! I have worked it out that I have a full 14 hours to cause mayhem and destruction without Judy slapping me down!!! Oooh, what can I do first.....:whistle:

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JUDY don't listen to Jill [the little Hitler] my boat is busted yes, but the video is going to be sorted tonight :woohoo:

And my boat is getting faster by the, ahem, month and it is going to fly soon.

Jill cant dominate nuffin, it is just a Northern thing I am afraid.

Come back Judy we need an umpire.



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Supernova wrote:

JUDY don't listen to Jill [the little Hitler]


Back to my german roots and moustache again Bernie - bah!!! :laugh:


Yes, Bernie's boat did work (for a moment) and I have issued a public apology - but take it all back now that he's knacked it again!!!


Yes Dan - you are also quite correct - I already do have world domination, but I am a little shy :blush: and don't readily promote myself :woohoo:

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