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This goes along with the yearly get together that was mentioned on the shopping thread.


On another forum I belong to (no worries it is for Rottweilers not another bird forum - I would never cheat on you guys :P ), we have a yearly party called Rottstock. At this event, there are games, socializing, lots of partying, raffles and so on. The whole purpose of the event is to raise money for Rottweiler rescue. Each region chooses a rescue to support and holds their own event so people don't have to travel far, although some have been known to attend multiple events if they are not on the same day :woohoo:


Anyway, I thought I would start a new thread on this to see what people thought about this kind of yearly event.



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Sounds like a good idea but I am counting on having just one event for all of us, I want to meet as many of the members as I can and that is best achieved with one gathering. But I like the idea of doing something to raise money for a worthy cause, that is what the bird club I belong to locally does each year, holds a bird fair and the money raised goes to support a parrot rescue organization.


You have raised some good suggestions, we will see where it takes us.

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