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Should I buy a baby or this lovely 3 yr old male


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Hello everyone,


I am so glad I found this forum. I'm looking at getting my very first African Grey Congo but I am faced with a dilemma. First, let me start off by saying I work from home most of the time and it gets lonely. I really want a bird that will keep me company that will chat it up with me and love to just be spoiled. So I started my research and decided the best bird for me would be an African Grey. Now here is the dilemma. I found a baby that is 8 weeks old that would need to finish being weaned (which I have done before it just was about 9 years ago.) THEN, I talked to a wonderful lady this evening that has a 3 year old African Grey Congo. She stated he talks up a storm, mimics, no bad habits, perfect feathers and loves everyone. Is there a downside to getting an adult over getting a baby? I have heard that if you get a baby you bond better with it. But then I have read that it doesn't matter. I really want the forums thoughts. Does it matter???

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Hi dmkrieg, only you can decide whether or not you want a baby grey or to re-home a mature grey. On one hand there is no guarantee that your baby grey will talk and the older grey already is a talker. Have you met the older grey. That is what I would do, I would go and met the older grey and see if the two of you are a "fit." Good luck on whatever you decide and welcome to the Grey Family!

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Welcome to our family! You are faced with such a dilemma - but as Janet says - only you can decide what you need to do. There are pros and cons to each of your choices. I, personally, would never want to have the responsibility to wean a baby (and luckily here in the UK it's against the law for a breeder to sell and unweaned bird).


They will both have absolutely different training issues and needs. You don't say why this lady is giving up her grey - but I would look into that too.


Good luck - keep us posted ;)

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Many members on here have rehomed older greys and have a wonderful relationship with them, it will take a while for the older grey to adjust to their different owner/surroundings but this can be done if your willing to accept it wont happen over night and can be very rewarding as it has been for lots of great members on here.


Having a baby grey is a wonderful experience, Ive had three from being babies who are very bonded to me and we have built up a good relationship together.


Have you visited the older grey? Why not visit, see how he is around people, ask lots of questions and get a feel for the bird.


Good luck on making your decision, its a tough one, keep us posted:)

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