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Do people use this?


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I was on a parrot shopping site today looking for some xmas gifts for Benji and I saw a product that is designed to "quiet down" your bird.


It is some herbal or medicinal stuff that is described as quieting a bird and making it less aggressive.


Do people really do this?


Are there instances when you can justify giving your bird something to mellow it out?


I mean isn't that like suppressing the bird's very nature?

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I would never get any medication for a bird or myself from the internet.Only a vet should prescribe such things.Yes there are cases where birds are given this sort of medication but under close supervision from a vet.

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It is so dangerous for a human to take any herbal remedies purchased from herbalists, internet etc - we have had patients go into kidney failure after taking such supplements!!


I have to laugh at such "remedies" - if people are stupid enough to take on an animal without checking how they will act (birds squawking etc) then they shouldn't have the pet in the first place if they feel that they need to surpress their natural instincts!! :angry:


I am in full agree with you skmunson - it is their very nature to be noisy/disruptive/destructive..... :laugh:

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Just to be clear, I wasn't considering giving this to my Benji.


I was just shocked that such a product existed and wondered if people actually used it.


I was sort of disappointed that the site even had it for sale so I took my business to another bird site.

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I remeber there was another thread on this topic about this same herbal stuff.


While I would definitely not give anything that has not been declared completely safe to Rishi, I wonder if there could be some instances where a SAFE preparation that does mellow down a bird might be required? A flight? A long journey? I had to take Rishi on a 1000 km round trip to see an aian vet and I winder if something like this could have made his trip easier?


I definitely agree that only an avian vet could recommend the usage and administer such a preparation.

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