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Elvis + Molting = Crankiness?


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Just wondering if anyone else has noticed an increase in their greys irratability while molting and regrowing feathers? Elvis took a nice little chunk out of my thumb yesterday and he normally doesn't bite me that hard and he is in the process of molting right now. His body is basically all down and it look likes some of the feathers are beginning to come in. SO just wondering if this could cause him to be a bit of a sass? Thanks!

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Well, Dorian's going through a major molt right now and he's very cranky. Also, needy and demanding, and wanting to go to bed earlier. Do you give Elvis regular baths/showers? Dorian had a good soak today and after he seemed to feel more like playing, which gets rid of some of his energy. If you can get Elvis to tolerate a good soaking he'll have a big preen and get to work on some of those uncomfortable feathers. Be careful when you're giving scratches to be gentle where you feel a new feather coming in. Hope your little guy is in a better mood soon!

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