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Ana Grey Bathing


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katana, it varies bird to bird.


I have to hold Talula on my hand in the shower to bath her. She will grumble but she accepts, usually she bites me medium hard.


Phoenix freaks out. He won't sit on my hand and he flops on his back in a total panicked state. I tend to just hold his wings open and let someone else spray his undersides with the aloe bottle to bathe him.


All you can do is try and see what works. If you have to use the water bottle, well, at least they're getting bathed!

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Awwwww, cute bathing pictures on Ana Grey. :-)


You are lucky she enjoys a good bath.


It is always a "Must Do" in my house with Dayo running around his cge from the evil misting bottle.


He is willing to get in a pie pan on his own. But, will only get his breast a little wet, then calls it good. :P

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Thanks everyone. I can only thank this forum for the things I can do with Ana Grey. I was a member here for two l o n g months before I brought Ana Grey home. I read a lot and hung around here driving everyone crazy!!! I covered her with towels so she wouldn't be afraid in case of an emergency. I bathed her in the sink from day one so that while she was in "baby mode" she trusted me without doubt. I showed her new things all the time so she wouldn't be afraid of anything. I clean and place my hands in her cage daily so she is not territorial about it. And :kiss: Dr. Flock who loves our fids as much as we do for help with my hormonal eclectus. Thanks to this wonderful forum for my sweet Ana Grey!

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That wasn't a bath! That was a swim! Great pics and so glad Ana Grey enjoyed her water time. Dixie won't go near anything that luxurious - her water bowl is as close as she'll come to getting herself wet. Beau just stands there and lets me spray him, but he's a baby, what does he know. Sterling is the only one who enjoys a full shower...lol.

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