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Success! and how much does your Grey weigh?


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For ages I have been trying to weigh Misty. Unfortunately whenever I tried to get him onto any scales he would refuse to go near it. The latest attempt was with a new low profile electronic scale but again he seemed to think it was a monster out to get him:ohmy: So I gave up. But out of curiosity I put a pyrex measuring jug on and started to fill it with water to check the calibration. Well this was to much for Misty. He has a thing about water. He jumped up onto the jug and hey presto all I had to do was press the tare button and I could weigh him with ease :lol:

He comes out at 480 grams or just over a pound.

Am I the only one who has to go through hoops to weigh their parrot ?

How does his weight compare to other GAGs on this forum?

Misty is about six to seven years old and i believe male.




Steve n Misty


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Lol - we are also quite familiar with the hoops in our house!!


I use a similar set of scales to weigh Alfie, who is also scared of them, I simply lay a sheet of newspaper or the like over the top so all you can see is the digital display! While she's on there I distract her with a pine nut to keep her in place. Works a treat!


Alfie is a female who will be two years in February and today she weighs 420gms.


Lyn & alf


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Well now the water bowl is certainly innovative!! :-)


I have used a scale since the beginning with a wood perch attached to it that stands about 6 inches above the scale. I suppose it just seemed like a natural perch to Dayo, so he stepped up on it from day one.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/01 20:33

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My scales are my regular electronic food scales - the stainless steel bowl lifts off and there is a "perch" underneath - Harvey steps up on this no bother!


He weighs between 440 and 445g after his big morning bomb ;)


Great picture of Misty though Steve - the attraction of a pyrex jug and water eh!! ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/12/01 20:38

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Ours pretty much step up straight away to be weighed, we trianed thme alot with it when they were younger. Kea even does the beep that the scales make when you turn them on.


Rangi is a big boy at about 490- 495 and Kea is about 430-440.

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That is certainly being innovative and one step ahead of Misty. Juno has a small perch that he climbs on eagerly every morning, but any day could come that he would change his mind. The water in the cup is a great idea. Juno is six months old and weighs 370 and the vet says he needs to gain some weight.

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