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Boarding question/advice


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I'm going on vacation at the end of the month for a week and am not sure what to do with Z. A friend is going to come over and feed my other birds and the rest of the animals. They will all be fine but Z is used to being out when I'm home and my friend will not be letting him out or be there that much. She's basically coming by and feeding twice a day and covering and uncovering cages.


I'm thinking about boarding Z but they won't be letting him out either but at least they are there all day long and will interact with him. The downside is I'm afraid he'll feel abandoned, etc. I got him from the same place and he was there and quarantined for 6 weeks between homes. We've gone back for grooming and he was freaked.


So, what's the best of the worst? Staying at home and not much interaction or lots of interaction but being boarded?


I don't want to go! I want to stay home with my animals. :D<br><br>Post edited by: ZivaDiva, at: 2009/12/01 20:11

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We recently boarded Ursula at our vet's, where they also have a large boarding area just for birds. I was almost in tears when I dropped her off because she seemed so scared. I thought she would be traumatized and changed forever. There were screaming cockatoos in there and amazons repeating monotonous phrases, and... but at least we knew she would be physically taken care of, and not bored!


They say it took her several days to a week to get used to it, and she was only taken out a few times in the two weeks she was there. But when I went to get her she recognized me right away. She seemed very happy to get home, but frankly she seemed no worse for the wear! Same old loving self, no new bad habits, only a new phrase, "I walk the walk. I wanna squawk."


I have a friend who brings her Quaker to the same place, and she calls it "birdie camp." To me its a sign that the birds enjoy being in a room full of noisy birds in a way we can only imagine!

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Thanks for the replies.


I love the new phrase! How funny.


My bunnies go to bunny camp and enjoy it but Z doesn't seem to be the same. He's not really a fan of other birds. At home, he tries to attack them so he is in a different room. I was hoping that being boarded with other birds would provide him with some entertainment since he can't get out of the cage to kill them!


I don't have anyone that can come over and let him out for a little bit.


I wish I could take him to DisneyWorld!

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Lol - that is a funny new phrase of Ursulas!


As for your dilemma Zivadiva, I had Alf at the specialist just today, and she assured me that a week in her cage whilst we are away is something that Alfie could easily cope with. I have to say i'm not too sure, but she's the expert!!;)

Perhaps before you go, you could get him used to at least being caged in the same room as the other birds, and that way he wouldn't be on his own?

Hope you get it sorted.


Lyn & Alf


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I went on holiday for two weeks in July and left Harvey with my parents. They were not confident they were going to be able to let him out and get him back in (he's a terror with other people) and therefore I posted on here and asked what effects there would be if I had him in his cage for two weeks - the good people of this forum told me that he would be a bit grumpy, but have no ill effects.


Anyway - my parents did manage to get him out a couple of times a day, which I am eternally grateful for - but he was only very very young - I doubt next year they'll get him back in - and he will spend all of his time in his cage. It's a dilemma though - board him for the company, or stay at home for the familiarity!

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Thanks again for the replies. I'm starting to realize there's no correct answer. I'm just nervous and want to do what's best for him. Having him stay at home will at least be cheaper! (but I'm still not sure) I am thinking he might be less traumatized staying at home than being moved but I reserve the right to change my mind. :)

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I attend summer camp and winter camp with the Boy Scouts and while I hate the idea of being gone for more than a few hours from my grey's I have had to leave them to go with my son. Dixie has done very well with my mother coming over and feeding her and leaving her in the cage. Mom is not very comfortable with letting them out. Beau I will worry about more in a few weeks - but hubby will be home in the afternoons with him. From what I've seen with our visits to the vet/groomers they suffer more stress than staying at home confined to their cages. They won't expect to be out, you won't be there, but they will survive it.

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