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Meet Toki

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Toki came home on July 20th. She is such a sweetheart. I expected her to be afraid of her new surroundings for a few days, but not so. With in an hour of arriving home, she was waddling through the entire house looking things over. She didn’t even mind the dog. The Aviary she came from also raises dogs so she is use to their sight and sound. More on that in a minute. Anyway here is Toki.






The dog was a little aggressive with her at first. He kept poking her with his nose and knocking her over. On day two she had enough and she taught him a lesson. It didn’t take very long at all, but the point was driven home, the true owner of the floor was established and someone learned the real power of a beak.




By day four, Toki and Emmit had drafted a Treaty and are now good friends. They sit together and look out the window. He cleans up the food she throws on the floor. They are having a great time now. I still won’t leave them alone in the same room.


She really likes her Tree. Of course her favorite limb is the one with the food and water supply. She won’t drink from a bowl yet so I was forced to get her a water bottle. I would like to get her to use a bowl but I’m not sure how to go about making her switch. Any advise?






More later…..<br><br>Post edited by: Loofa, at: 2007/07/24 17:31

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Toki is adorable, Loofa, they are so sweet looking when babies, those dark eyes are just so cute. I am glad she is getting along with the dog but like Tari said, don't leave her out with him alone in a room, don't take that ever so slight a chance, it only takes a second.


Just provide her with a bowl of water and eventually she will either drink from it or play in it, maybe even take a bath in it.


I am glad you seem to have a real sweetheart and hope she stays that way, mine is one too, she is 14 months old now.


Love your tree, looks homemade and nothing wrong with that, Toki loves it and why not, very inventive of you. Keep us informed as to how she progresses.:)

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Hey CD, Yes she does bite at the ty straps. She finds them very interesting. I was afraid to use any kind of glue, and with the straps, I can move the limbs around from time to time. I'm sure she can't bite through them.

Yes the tree is homemade but it is very safe. It has steel legs bolted through the trunk and then the legs are bolted to the floor. I'm bet it would be the only thing standing if we were hit by a tornado, ;)


Yes 6, she came from Passion Parrots Avery in Tyler.


We are having so much fun. All she wants to do is be in the room with us or on one of us. I try to wash dishes and she will waddle to the kitchen and climb up my leg and all the way to my shoulder if I let her. She will probably get her way often since she is the only girl in the house. She already has my son wrapped around her pin feather, :laugh:

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Just one more thing to help everyone concerned about the dog, feel more at ease. I have installed a spring closed door on Toki's room. It cant be left open and only a human can open it. So the chances of them accidentally being alone together when I am gone are slim.

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Hi Toki,


What a great looking Grey!


Your photos and description of Toki's settling down in your home are all enjoyed by all of us :-)


I love to hear updates and see new photo's and I know others here do to!


Thanks for taking the time to put this together and share it with us!!


Karma + to You!!

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Hi, loofa great looking Bird.;) And a top diy job on your tree, You sound like you know wot your doing, But i would just like to say in joining this forum you have stumbled upon a wealth of knowledge and experience. I've only been here a short time and already learnt so much:)

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I am so glad you have the dog in hand. I would also recomend the Avaitor Harness. I cant get one on my grey and it may be a year of more before I can.

But my Topaz has one and I can get it on without much trouble but she keeps tring to "perch" on the waist strap. lol

But I see days ahead of me and her going on long walks.

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Loofa wrote:

Thanks everyone for Toki's warm welcome. I'm going to Petsmart this evening, I'll look for an Avaitor Harness.

Petsmart doesn't have them, they only have the Feather Tether.


I got mine in Longview from parrot supercenter.




It's the same price online as in the store (free shipping)


Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/07/24 23:08<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/07/24 23:09

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