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He is fearless! What should I do?


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Brutus is now 1 1/2 years old. He has figured out he can fly and land EVERYWHERE! And he does- or at least tries. He is unbelievably curious & not afraid of anything. I must keep my eyes on him all the time because I am afraid he will get into trouble. I love that he is confident, but how do you temper the exploration (& destruction) of every new thing?

For some reason I think he is showing off for me, trying to show what a big powerful bird he is. I hope you have insight into this behavior. thx.

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I forgot to mention that Brutus has more toys, bought and constructed, than is believable! I rotate them often. He has at least four large areas in our living area that are all his. He has the run of the top of the kitchen cabinets, top of several hutches, toys hung all over a chandelier, and his huge cage! He gets bored easily. I am constantly thinking of ways to occupy his hyper-active brain. He is totally sweet though. He has never bit me and obviously loves his Mother and Father.He LOVES life! I do love that about him!

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Harvey isn't scared of anything either - new toys, people, noises ANYTHING! I have had to make my uplighter lamps in my living room redundant since Harvey arrived (halogen) as he was eyeing them up early on - he is only interested when the light is on - never when it is off! I'm hoping it's just a phase and he'll become like me - shy, retiring and quiet!! :laugh:

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