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I wonder if Chimay realizes......


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....How TIRED I am today!!! OMG! I love my little Chimay to teeny grey bits, but my gosh I was at my wits end last night. Never before (and hopefully never again) has he been restless at night. His night cage is in our bedroom with a very simple setup...perch, water, food, newspaper. He's been fully content with this up until last night.


All I heard every half hour starting at about 1am was the clinking of his nails and beak on the cage bars as he climbed down to the bottom, then the soft crinkle-crinkle of talon-steps on the newspaper floor as he waddled around. Then of course, r-iiiiippppp-iiiinnnnggg the newspaper apart at 2am and 5am is super fun. I was up and down and up and down all night with getting up to put him back onto his perch. My hats off to those of you out there with human kids....not sure how you do it!!!


Hopefully this is just a one-time thing...


I'm gonna go get another cup of coffee.

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Uh oh, too much celebrating on his hatchday and he was wound up like a little kid at Christmas. The little toot. I hope it was a one time thing for you too. They do know how to push our buttons and often take delight in doing so, I hope it was just because he didn't want his wonderful day to end. Better luck to you for sleeping through the night tonight.

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wow what a coincidence. I posted a very similar post the other day. Charlie had started playing with toys in the middle of the night.I am wondering if its the time of year,maybe they are a bit cold or hormonal?.I am ignoring Charlies nocturnal playing at all costs so he does not think it is a game to bring me to him.

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