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Well, I didn't think this day would ever come.


So the other night we're sitting on the sofa and Butch wants out to have his nightly smoke. The way the room is arranged, Talula can't see me due to the large fish tank. Her cage was closed, she was "up" for the night but still uncovered. The minute she heard the sliding door close she started to speak. As me.


"Good morning Talula!"

"Does Pretty bird want breakfast?"

"Come here Talula! no! Talula!"


"Pretty bird Talula"


She went on for a good 7 minutes plus. I really wanted to try and record with the phone but I knew she'd stop if I made a move.


Using this new found information about her mimicry, I decided to see if she'd let me pet her.


Traditionally the only time she'll put her head down for scritches from me is if we're in the car, and she's in my lap. I don't know why but that's the only time she'd put that big beak down.


Well she will pretty much do it all the time now. I had her sitting on the sofa arm next to me and I said want scratches and she put her little head down!


I can't believe this kind of progress in a mere 5 months (10-8-09). Now if she'll just let the rest of those back feathers grow in, we might be on to something!

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  • 4 weeks later...

More progress to report!


Today I decided that I should try and hold Talula on her back, which I know is a very vulnerable position.


I hold Phoenix on his back quite often, usually when harnessing, but in recent times he has come to enjoy a raspberry to the belly or to play games.


Well I am happy to say she let me pick her up and hold her on her back, she did make some verbal reminders that she's not used to this and was nervous. I rubbed her head, and around her eye/ear area of her face (She does the trance dancing eye movement when I do this, she really enjoyes it as does Phoenix) and she even cooed!


I then put her back down on the sofa, scratched her little head, and she promptly does the following:


Walks to the other side of the sofa. Turns to her back. Finds an un-mutulated feather and pulls the tip tip off of it, chew it up, and throws it down.


What an attitude this one has. I am happy she is coming around, and these partial feather mutulations aren't phasing me like they did (she hasn't pull a full feather in over 4 months now), so I know she's just playing Diva and trying to make me feel bad for asserting dominance over her and showing her it's OK to trust me when you are most vulnerable.


We won't be trying this again for several months, but something about today just seemed 'right' to try it. She's since put up one foot and fallen asleep off to the left side of me on back of the sofa. So she can't be that angry at me, else she'd have jumped off the sofa and gone back to her cage (she does this, it's great, she just puts herself up when she's tired).


So happy!! She also has even more back feather growth than before, tho as I said earlier, many are missing the tips of the feathers because she's still gnawing on them.


As one who just quit biting my own nails after 25 years of doing so, I understand that it takes a while to overcome this stress-based habit. She's doing so well. I'm so very proud of her.


I honestly think by summer we might get to try a harness. Might. I want all feathers in, and I don't know if she'll be fully clothed by June/July. But we can still try!


Her vocalizations have become louder and clearer, she certainly knows and likes to say her name.


On a related note, Phoenix has began saying more complex phrases (mixing existing short ones he knows) to compete for our attention against the Great Talker Talula!


It has taken some 5, almost 6, months but I feel as if we're starting to make some serious progress with both parrots. One is started to trust, the other is calming down and starting to vocalize.


I REALLY can't wait until I start model/rivaling with them. I hope to use one as the model and rival for the other, and I believe it will work. But for it to work I need to have a good bond with Talula, and we're just not quite there yet.


For those reading for the first time: consistency in your persistence is the key.

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Chris, your post just made my day. Where else could you go to have that conversation and have all of us know what triumph you must be feeling? You have brought Talula such a long way. I am really proud of your patience and dedication. I have faith in you that you are just the person to be Talula's hero. Can't wait until you get her recorded and play back her talking to her. It makes me happy to think of you together.

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Chris you must feel absolutely jubilant! We've followed your trials and tribulations with both Phoenix and Talula - and the progression you have made is absolutely outstanding! Karma to you for being such a patient and sweet parront! Come on Talula - let's see your full fur coat by summer :laugh:

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Go to AVITEC.com----click

On the left you see list


Look at third picture from the left----click

Theres a picture of a spritzer and a jar next to it--click.

The 2 jars are different sizes ( 8 oz and 16 oz---$5.99 and $15.99

Each jar contains a powder which mixes with water in a spray bottle. Spray once or twice a day.( room temp water)

Stay away from the pre mixed bottle. Don't get as much as with the powder.

It'll last a long time and it works much better than other formulas. Follow directions and use often.


Correction---8 oz jar is $9.95


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/27 18:31<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/27 18:43

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