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??s about new lovebird & upcoming Grey


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Yesterday I purchased a 8 month old lovebird (pale blue @ orange sherbert color). I purchased him from a breeder with a rather dirty house. My first instinct was that I shouldn't purchase one due to the conditions of the breeders home but then again the bird cages were all clean and the lovebirds appeared to be well cared for, healthy and lively. I felt hard for these people as it appeared they lived in a rather poverty stricken condition. I just couldn't bear to leave little "Romeo" in those conditions, so he just had to come home with me. I am feeding him Nutri-Berries and bits of fresh fruit and veggies, he seems to have taken to all the new foods quickly considering I think he only had seed before. Compared to the cage he shared with his siblings he is now living in a mansion (had to run out and purchase him a beautiful new cage with all the doo-dads to keep him happy) with all the treats and toys he can possible want! I brought him home and immediately cleaned him with a bird specific lice and mite spray just in case and put his liquid vitamin into his water supply. I even considered starting him on the liquid antibiotic as a precaution.

My question is this.

We are expecting the arrival of our must anticipated African Grey. We have found the breeder we are going to go with and he is expected to hatch in August and be ready for our home in November. So right now the lovebird appears healthy and is quite energetic. Before our Grey comes home is there any precautions we should be immediately concerned with to assure that the lovebird is not a health danger to our Grey?

I hate to call the Aviary vet that we have decided on for our Grey and ask stupid questions. When I had told him we were considering purchasing a lovebird as well as the Grey he laughed and said for me to have patience and wait for the Grey, but how could I resist a face like little Romeo? I just wanted so badly to rescue him and show him a better life!

Now I just want some reassurances that if there was anything to worry about with Romeo, because of his previous conditions, that they would materialize long before November when our Grey arrives. If there is anything that I need to do for Romeo immediately then it will be done as I want Romeo to be happy and healthy as well as Elmo or Lulu for a lifetime with our family. Money is not a concern in our household but it is crucial to me that anything and everything that both of our birds will need always be priority. So if there is anything specific that needs immediate attention, it will be done promptly.

ps. The Grey will be named either Elmo or Lulu depending on what the DNA says the sex is.


Thanks for your patience and advice!



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First take the bird to the vet for a well bird check.

Other then that it well be long enough before the Grey comes that you'll have done a QT but when the Grey gets there you well need to QT him for 30 to 45 days. I opt for 45 days if I was you.

Gratz on the new baby and hope to see pictures in the other bird room soon.


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Congrats on the new Romeo!


If you read my post about Roxy killing our lovebird, you will learn to KEEP THE BIRD OUT OF YOUR CAG'S CAGE!!!


Really, Roxy is so loving but after what I saw when I found the little bird at the bottom of Roxy's cage, I will even feel sorry for a cat that tries to take her on.


Hope you enjoy your new family members, not too long till November.



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I agree with Tari, take it in for a well bird checkup, and in the next couple of months if it has anything catching it should show up before you bring the grey home, but keep it away from Romeo for 5-6 weeks to be sure.


Glad you took in the little lovebird, it needs your love and attention and besides it will give you some experience and help you thru the seemingly long wait for the grey to be ready to come home.


Glad you joined our family, we look forward to hearing more about your Romeo and let us know when Lulu or Elmo hatches. Try to get pictures at different stages of its growth to post on site for us to watch the progress of your new baby. Congrats.:)

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I took Romeo to the vet today and he couldn't stop laughing at me! He teased me about being such a pushover but he said the same thing about it being good experience before Elmo or Lulu comes.

Little Romeo behaved liked a champ with the entire staff. Everyone had to pass him around and take a look and chat with him. NOT ONE BITE!

Anyhow the vet took a blood sample, droppings sample, gave him a clean bill of health and put his color mutation as a Dutch Blue lovebird.

He said we will keep an eye on him for the next few months and see if anything materializes but suggested that the biggest issue he could see was keeping Romeo safe from Lulu (apparently the incident Ice speaks of is quite common or else the vet reads this forum)

We went ahead and found this cage for Elmo or Lulu online and want opinions of more experienced Grey parents before we order it.




Is this cage going to be too small, too large or just right? We put tie wraps on Romeo's cage to keep it locked when we aren't available but what type of lock is going to be best for our Grey? With each member of this house having their own dog we want to be sure that the Grey is safe inside the cage and the dogs will be outside when he is out of his cage.


Lastly, we already had decided that little Romeo's cage would be kept in the playroom and our Grey's cage would be in the family room until everyone is giving the all clear to meet and then again only under Mom's supervision with vet permission!


Thanks for all your info. I am reading and learning so much on this site. Reading materials I have and continue to gather but I think the best learning comes from learning from other Grey parents.


God bless,


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Or if you have one near you soon try a bird fair that is where I have gotton the best deals on cages. Wait untill the last day and the last couple hours. People are willing to cut prices even more then so they dont have to break down and pack too many cages.

Got my greys cage for 80 bucks from a bird fair.

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Well saturday I was so sick that I couldn't get out of bed to go shopping for the bird cage so the hubby went and surprised me. He said he was going to grocery store and to drop the kids off at the mall. He came home with this




Least to say I am a bit shocked! Is this going to be way too big for an African Grey? Must admit is a beautiful cage and if it is going to be suitable I am thrilled! Started purchasing toys for it immediately. It is kind of like expecting a new baby, in fact, I overheard my hubby on phone with a buddy telling him how we are "expecting!" Then threw in the comment that the bird was to fill my mother instinct now that the kids are all grown up.

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Hello, Kathy, from the looks of that cage it is not too big, it is about the right size, it allows for the wings to be spread out and flap without touching the sides. Your hubby made a good choice and it looks like a fine cage, give him my thanks. Now get some toys and you are ready for a grey. Congrats on your new grey and I know it will be hard to wait but it will be worth it.

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