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Harrisons vs. TOPS


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Just wanting some opinions as to which are better.


Jacko's on Harrison's high-potency coarse and he has been for nearly 6 months. He loves them--so no problems there.


But I'm considering switching him to TOPS because:


-there's more varied ingredients

-it's peanut, soy, wheat (and according to their website corn) free

-it's not as crunchy as the Harrison's apprently(end up with a heck of a lot of pellet powder right now)

-it's dramatically cheaper (10 pounds for $ 40 compared to 5 pounds of harrisons for that price)

-there's nothing artifical or synthetic


I'm considering NOT switching him to TOPS because:


-there are a few ingredients in harrisons (the clay and palm oil etc.) that aren't found in TOPS

-it's lower in fat (and since switching Jacko to the higher-fat harrison's high-potency he looks much better)

-I remember reading on a linnie forum that TOPS is lacking specifically in Vitamin D3

-I know it isn't complete (neither is Harrison's of course as birds all need fresh food--but at least Harrison's has vitamins)


Regardless of what pellet he's eating I will be:


-offering him fresh mash daily (either Shauna's Mash Diet or Mike's Manna Mash)

-adding palm oil to his mash

-setting up a UV lamp for him over his cage

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If there are no added vitamins or minerals in Tops, then why feed a pellet at all?


Your bird can get everything it needs in real and tasty wholesome foods.


Vitamin D it will get from the avian lamp or natural sunshine.


If your going to stay on pellets, then Harrisons is the best. Price should not be a consideration when it comes to your Greys health. :-)

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good point dan :blush:...there's really no amount I'm not willing to spend to keep Jacko healthy and happy but if I can save it's always a bonus.


I'd feed him whole fresh foods exclusively except that I'm gone all day to school so it would spoil and go bad in his bowl--which of course I don't want.

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