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New CAG in January

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First of all I just wanted to thank everyone for having a board like this and for providing such helpful information. I have a baby CAG coming home in January and as the time is getting closer I am getting more nervous. I have researched for over 2 years but still feel I might do something wrong. Mikey will be welcomed into a crazy household of 2 dogs and 4 cats. I like to think of it as organized chaos. I know the rules of birds with other pets and will never leave them unsupervised. My dogs are very loving and enjoy caring for small animals.Since the cats are smaller than the dogs they are above them. Now with a bird he will be above the cats. This way has worked for 2 years to keep peace in the home so hopefully it will work with Mikey too. Mikey will be a very active bird with his harness and enjoy outings every day. Any information you can all give me for last minute preperation would be appreciated. He will be about 4 months when he comes home. I know the perches should be kept low and the grate should be replaced with towels. At what age can the perches be at a normal height and the towels can be removed? I have 5 pictures of him so far. The first 2 are from about a month ago and the last 3 are the most recent. I am just wondering if the food on him is just from him being a messy baby or something I should worry about. He will be weaned onto Kaytee plus fruits and veggies. But I see Harrisons and Zupreem are the most common for Greys. Any recomendations on that? Thank you everyone for your time and I look foward to getting to know everyone a little better. Happy Holidays:)











http://i831.photobucket.com/albums/zz231/nsscjl/babymikey5.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: caseyandmikey, at: 2009/11/28 16:55

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Hello Casey and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mikey.


Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, you must know already that we love looking at greys here especially the babies and yours is adorable no doubt.



It sounds like you have just about all the bases covered for when he comes home, you have been doing your research and I commend you for that.


Its natural for you to be a little nervous but that will subside soon after you get Mikey home and settled in, just enjoy him.


Yes it is natural for them to look a little messy especially if they have clutch mates but he doesn't look too messy to me.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help0 you in any way we can.

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Hi Casey - welcome to the forum. You sound as if you have been researching well - and there's loads of information on here that will help you with Mikey (who incidentally is sooooo sweet)!


You might find you have an active grey - I too put my perches low and put a towel in the bottom of the cage - but straight after I turned my back he was hanging upside down at the top of the cage!


As Judy says - ask as many questions as you need to - don't be shy and don't think that your question might be "silly" - I can assure you I have probably already asked them!!


Looking forward to getting to know you and yours better ;)

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Thank you very much judygram and jillybeanz. I love that username it reminds me of one of my dogs whose name is jellybean lol. Sometimes it is hard to ask questions because they do seem silly so thank you for the reassurance. I have read that our saliva, dogs saliva and cats saliva can kill a Grey. But I have read from a few people who have had their dog lick their bird and he was fine. There are a lot of videos of birds riding on the dogs back or sitting with the cat while he eats. One of my dogs licks everything and everyone. Though I will do my best to prevent this would it be okay if she got one lick in here and there? People kiss their birds all the time that is okay right? I just mean on the feathers not on the beak. Although my friend's Grey has had his head in her mouth and has been fine. I just want to be sure I can kiss his head and body. I do plan on bringing Mikey on walks with the dogs with his aviator harness that his caretaker is going to introduce to him. Other than getting loose or ticks what are some outdoor things to watch out for? I do have some other weird questions but this post is long enough lol. Thank you again to everyone who gives their input.

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Hi Casey, great pictures of your new baby Mikey. You have certainly come to the right place to learn about greys. Just ask any questions you might have. The only stupid question is one that isn't asked that could have possibly saved a grey's life or enhance our fid's lives and a parront was to afraid/embarrassed to ask. Welcome to the Grey family! Can't wait to hear more about Mikey!

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Welcome Caey!!


It's GreYt having you here.


In regards your question on any type of possible saliva exchange from a critter or human to your bird. The answer is it can be deadly. It's always better to be cautious, than to hope a deadly bacterial exhange does not take place.


Keep the towels in and perches low until your new baby has gained some coordination and solid roosting.


I have watched chicks fall from the top of the cage many times. So leave the towels until your confident that won't happen.


The photos were wonderful. Viewing baby photos always makes me want to go get another baby grey. :-)

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One of the things to watch for when you are out on walks are predatory birds. This isn't just the great big eagles or other birds we instantly think of as predators, but ravens, crows, magpies etc.


There are a few members who have had their birds out on walks where they've had to return home swiftly due to the circling of crows and ravens above them.


Another thing is the public! They think they can just charge into you and stroke your bird - because it's not a dog and it won't bite (yeah, righto).


You will get your baby used to different outside noises - but it's best to stay away from very busy areas for your first outings. Hope this helps! :)

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Thank you everyone for your input it is truly appreciated. A few last things I would like to know if you don't mind. I have regular cat carriers is it okay to bring him home in one of those or does he need a bird carrier? Also when he comes home what should I do firt? Should I just put him in his cage and leave him alone or should I stay with him to get him used to everything? Any information on these topics is appreciated. Thank you again.

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