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Learned up!!!!


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Everytime i put my hand near gabby to get her she takes a couple steps away, so id take my hand away and she'd come back. This evening i put my hand out and touched her belly and said "up" and she slowly stepped onto my hand!! (she seemed kind of weary). So i got very exited and told her she was a good girl. i Put her back and tried it again and she came up again! She also let me pet her head, sometimes she bites me while im petting her though.

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Thats great that she is stepping up some for you, keep at it so she will know what you mean.


As far as biting you when petting her sometimes they don't like it at certain places and she might just be telling you she doesn't like it there and she could be molting, those pins can be very sensitive to touch.

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Parrots communicate with their beaks.They express their feeling, likes and dislikes and will even discipline you with a harder "beak" if you do something they don't like or don't give them something they want. Whisper will beak me kind of hard if she wants the remote and I won't let her have it. This is when she goes into her cage for a time out.

Is she really "biting" you or just "beaking" you. My theory is that if you see blood it is a bite. My husband will say "she bit me". I ask if it is bleeding. He says no and I say well then she did not bite you. If she bites you, you will know it.

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Excellent Karina. Great work. The "beaking" and "biting" go with the territory. Rishi gives me real hard bites sometimes but till date he has never drawn blood.


When I scratch Rishi and he is not in the mood, he will firmly but gently grab a finger with his beak and remove it !!


You are doing great and I am sure you and Gabby will bond completely.


The key is to take it slowly and never ever lose patience. The relationship with your bird is based on complete trust and mutual respect. Once that is established, the bond will be life-long.

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