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First flights


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Shanti is almost a year and a half old and is starting to fly after his original flight-feather clip by his breeder.


He just sort of flaps around and gets a little lift. The problem is he keeps banging into walls and furniture. He's hasn't hurt himself, but it's a bit scary to watch.


Any tips for minimizing the risk?

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Congratulations David and Shanti!!


There is nothing you can do to stop the trial and errors. Thats how they learn flight and control.


It's much like a child learning to walk and falling. :-)


You could try perching Shanti and use targeting to get him to fly to your arm or shoulder in shorter hops.

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Congrats on Shanti being able to take flight and Dan is right, they will bump into things learning but at least he is trying to fly.


Thats an excellent idea to letting him fly to you to learn, its better than him going into the walls and furniture. You can also purchase window clings to help him learn he can't fly thru them.

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Congratulations David on Shanti beginning to fly. Ana Grey just starting flying after being clipped by her breeder. She is now 15 months old. We practiced by my launching her from my arm toward a hanging perch or the couch. There is a video here called "Ana Grey Takes Flight" that I posted about 2 weeks ago. Enjoy your flighted baby David.

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