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Parrot making weird sound


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HI All!


My little baby is a year old this month and he's a boy.


He is making funny hissing noises. It almost sounds like he is sneezing. But it's definately not sneezing.

He does this continuesly then bounces around and spreads his wings to the front of his body. Like he is showing off. And then he wants to throw up.

He does this every time we watch tv, play or just having fun.


Why does he do this? What is he telling me?

I've also heard that it's not good for them to throw up, is this true?


Hope you can help me with this.

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Yeppers. You can be proud to say that your baby is telling you he loves you. My Baby is going to be 2yrs old in Dec but we've only had him since Nov 6. He's been regurgitating for me since Sunday. I try to tell him he doesn't have to and it's not necessary, but he feels differently. I'm honored =) and you can be too!

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