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Rescued another Grey


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I got her on Friday night. When I went to go meet her it was so obvious that she is looking to be loved on, she stepped right up, and started wimpering, dropped her wings and started regurgitating for me. She is sweet as sugar I tell ya. Anyhow this situation is a bit different from my other CAG. My other CAG was so thrilled to come out of her cage that she would step right up so she could go on her tree. This one however she was let out of her cage from what I understand, but they didn't clean her cage in the (gasp) 3 years they had her. Needless to say I used a lot of quarters at the car wish to clean the cage. So this one isn't as excited to come out her cage as Red is. Anyone have any tips of how to go about getting her out without bein forceful? I want her to get some out of cage time, and I've just been letting her chill out and get used to the new sounds, smells, sights etc. I'm just curious in case in a couple weeks from now nothing has changed with her. She's not much of a biter, more of a pincher, so I'm not worried about getting nailed and she knows I'm not scared, I just don't want her to think she's going to be cage bound! Thanks All!!

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Oh, you deserve lots of karma for rescuing this precious bird! :cheer: I'm so happy you took her in.

Have you tried taking a long stick type perch and putting it through her door, so she can walk out and explore is she gets brave enough? She might still be getting adapted to her new surroundings, but that might work as she gets a little more comfortable. Please keep us posted on your progress with her. How old is she?

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You are a godsend to this Grey! :-)


It sounds like as Talon already stated, a little time for her to get comfortable in the new surroundings will probably do the trick.


Has she seemed to lower any of her "Walls" that you've noticed?

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I agree leave the cage door open as much as you can and let her come out on her own. After QT is over maybe you can have their cages so she can see Red and that might help her feel better about coming out.

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Guest Lidia

Talon wrote:

Have you tried taking a long stick type perch and putting it through her door, so she can walk out and explore is she gets brave enough?


Talon, that's a brilliant idea! It makes such good sense.


Lovie, it's all just going to take time and patience, but you already know that. I really commend you on your active response to these birds you've rescued, well done!

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Guest Monique

I would just give her some time. I would gently work on getting her to take some treats from you, then step up or step up onto a perch instead of your hand. She should depend upon you to get in and out of her cage. And learning that what you say is "the rule" so when you "have" to get her in and out it will never be an issue. It could take her a few weeks to warm up and you will definitely see changes surrounding her personality over the upcoming months. I definitely would not push her. If she is new at home she is on her BEST behavior because she is not sure what she may get in trouble for. She may decide to give you a big CHOMP two weeks from now to punish you for what you did today ... but she wasn't confident enough to chomp you for it yet!! :)


Kudos to you for your bird rescue, I hope you enjoy many happy years together!!

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Hey all! Well see my biggest problem with this is I keep comparing her to Red, BIG mistake, there is a 10 year age difference, and this one was loved just not clean. In fact I got the test results back and she tested positive for gram negative bacteria, so I've been medicating her, and putting it in popcorn and oatmeal, and any other way I can get it in her.


However this weekend has been a long one which explains my absense. Saturday I hung out a bit, read a book to her, she was taking treats from me, and by the end of the night she was letting me open the cage and scratch all over hear head and neck. So that was good! :woohoo: Well yesterday I got home from work and started fixin her dinner, and when I went to put the food in her bowl she got near my hand and I was thinking oh here it comes....she grabbed my finger with her beak, put it in her foot, then held on and started regurgitating for me..so apparently I must not be so big bad and mean after all LOL. She dropped her wings and was wimperin it was just adorable, she stepped up and everything and came and hung out with me for a while. She did pinch me good once, but nothing compared to what I get from my conure! So I would say that we have progress! I will try to post a link to a video I took of her talking to Red while in the other room, it's very cute! I've also decided to name her Joker, not just because I'm a poker fanatic, but because she loves to hang upside down from the top of her cage and swing around going woooo wooooo LOL


Oh and Talon I tried the perch thing, you would have thought I was killing her with all the screaming going on, dear Lord! So I backed off from that idea, at the moment everything is going well, I'm just waiting for the honeymoon to end now...here are a couple pics, it's the only ones I have on my work computer, I will try to post more later






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Hi Loviechick,


That is great progress and Kudos to your for getting the check-up and found the root of the problem.


I'll bet the change in personalty must have you grinning from ear to ear. At lest you seem to be so in your post.


This photo is great!


We'll look forward to the video and more updates :-)

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