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B) Spock here, well, we have a new shipmate, [a big-one] Tango is his name, he's, a "Too". I went over to greet him [for a preen], he didn't say much, don't want to mess with him. [logical] Fred and he get along. [Fred preens me Ha-Ha] Fred is 17 years old, Tango is 8 years old and Joey is 2 1/2 years old and I am only 10 months old and still in the nursery! What is going on in this world?

Speaking of Joey, formerly Jim, he could have told us instead of waiting 2 months to talk! I knew he wasn't Jim, he was too quiet, now he never shuts up. Boy, can he talk! He answers questions and asks questions but he won't preen me, and I have to show respect to him. He is almost as smart as me. He waits until everyone is covered for the night, except him and then he asks to sit our slave's shoulder when everything is calm and quiet. He sits there and gets preened. (Lucky!) :(

Guess what, Salsa is a Half-Breed...I mean Hybrid...Her daddy is a Orange Wing and her mommy is a Yellow-Nape. My slaves were sure suprised! She is pretty for a Greenie...

My slave, Maggie, has said that I am banned from the kitchen when she is fixing for the others. Jay has to take me into the other room and keep me entertained. It was so much fun to go from plate to plate and snitching a bite here and a bite there...and if some of the food landed on the floor, I had something to snack on later. It was really fun landing on her head and playing with her hair barrettes. I really liked it when she wears her hair in a long rope so I can hang on it upside down and play and growl while she has a knife in her hand trying to fix the bird plates. Oh well, there is a lot in the bedroom I can play with...hehehe.:evil:

Live long and Prosper.







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Spock - it's great to hear an update and find you are well and introducing yourselves to your new shipmates. If there's a bit of that hybriding going on in your house - stay away from it - you never know and you are way too young!!!! :laugh:


It's nice to see that you are helping prepare Thanksgiving Dinner - but perhaps you should leave some for Jay & Maggie!!!


Great update - lovely pictures too - thanks Jay & Maggie xxx

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Wow, what a cool update and photos of your continued exploration of distant galaxies and beings!


I think you are starting to break a few regulations on not interfering with other world populations though Spock. YOu can't just beam up these guys for your amusement and entertainment. I am afraid the council will be sending you a message soon regarding this behaviour. :P


However, I must say I do love observing all you alien friends and hearing about them.


Live long and prosper!!


Oh, and have a GreYt Thanksgiving!!!!!

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