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Baby boy is obsessed with Scratchies


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He loves getting his scratchies. I've graduated to be allowed to give him scratchies with my own hand. But he takes scratchies from everything. Yesterday I discovered that instead of wanting to step-up on his stick he wants scratchies from the stick and will not step-up to come out.


You would think with his passion for scratchies that he's be saying the word scratchies but he's got a limited vocabulary. Maybe one day he'll surprise us.


Does anyone else have a Grey that is obsessed with wanting scratchies?

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Our Grey used to love scratches any time he could get them. It is especially true during molting times, such as now. YOu do need to be careful of hitting pin feathers coming in, as the can be painful when hit just right and your grey will quickly let you know it hurt. :-)


Dayo does not like scratches as often as when he was younger. He still likes them, but only when he decides to allow that honor to one of us. Most times when it comes to me, he may let me get one good scratch in and then BAM, the head turns and he nails me. :P


When you give him scratches, always say the word scratch or scratches. He will soon pick it up if he desires to. Our grey never has said that word. He has heard it from the time we started visiting him at the breeders when he was only 6 weeks old. They chose what they want to say. We can not control that.

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Dorian loves scratches but mostly at night, right around the time I've said, or am about to say, the 'bedtime' word. Just like a kid wanting one more story before lights out, he puts his little head down when he knows it's time for sleep. And I, of course, fall for it every time:side:

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Yoshi LOVES her scratchies :P I have NEVER been bit while scratching, lol, she just turns into a furry goofball and scratches with her foot to show me where she wants scratchies.


She'll cuddle down in your lap and close her eyes and relax to a full scratching session almost any day.


She has her 'don't touch me' moments sometimes, but most of the time she is excited to hear 'Wanna scratch?' from us and turns her head upside down and is goofy.


Here is a normal relaxing scratching session for her taken just the other day: phpTNJj9kAM-9544e644314645bd088d88234f3a6c3e.jpg


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Harvey will choose his moments - mostly late in the evening when his tummy is full and he's checked the clock to see it's getting about as near as 9pm as he can get to try and lengthen his "out of cage" experience, before he gets his "nightie" on and goes "birdy byes"!


Harvey will keep nudging me if I stop too - and also has a "tickly spot" deep where the wing meets the "shoulder blade" and his leg twitches when I hit this spot! ;)

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Dixie loves to get scratches, but only when she wants them, and she actually asks for them - wanna scratch. If you stop too soon, she lets you know she's not done being scratched. Beau will let me scratch his head until he's featherless I believe, he just sits there and eventually goes to sleep.

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