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Tomorrow we bring home our African Grey from the breeders. He will be about 13 weeks ago and we do not yet have a name. We have a few picked out, but not sure which ones will stick.


Any advice? We got a nice cage, a couple toys, food, treats.


We are kind of nervous. We DO have a cat, which is declawed, but we are going to be very very careful around him.


Should get him tomorrow evening.


Oh Boy. Here we go.

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Congrats on bringing your new grey baby home today, you are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime and it sounds like you are well prepared for it.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about yourself so we can get to know you a little better and pictures are always welcome.

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Congrats on your baby coming home. This is an exciting time for you. We have had our boy for two weeks now and it is getting more fun all the time. My best advice is to get a scale and weigh him every day so you will know if he is eating. It is normal for them to lose a little while they transition. It has been an assurance to me to get his weight because he was sooooo quiet for the first week and I didn't think he was eating.

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We brought him home last night. Last time we visited him was halloween. We were able to hold hm and pet him, etc.


At the breeders yesterday we could sense that he was nervous, (fluffled feathers, head down, beak open) But I was able to get him to step up.


After the car ride, a wing clipping, and bringing him home into his new cage, I cant get him to step up. I have gone through a few minor bites (though 2 drew blood)

He likes his cage, has eaten and drank already, but so far, I can not pick him up or hold him.


I am a little concerned, but feel that this might be scary for him, so maybe in time he will come around.


Any advice?

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Our baby was five and a half months old when he came home. He was fine while I put dishes and toys into his cage but he wanted nothing to do with me. He had his first vet visit at the end of week one and was put on antibiotics when the cultures came back a few days later. This forced the issue for us and I had to hold him to get his meds in. It will take yours some time to adjust to leaving everything familiar, routine at the breeder etc. The happy news is that by giving Juno the space and offering him to step up he has come around after a short time so now he chortles and tweets when he sees me coming. If you try to make every encounter pleasant for him he will soon learn you love him and are taking good care of him and he will come to you on his terms. I was really nervous after he drew blood on one bite after his meds, but he quickly forgave me for pushing him too fast. Talk gently to him, see if you can feed him tidbits of veggies, cooked sweet potato etc. from your hand so he associates your hands with good things. Be patient with him and he will come around in a couple of weeks. It was hard to feel helpless to console him at first, but it was worth it to wait for him to show readiness for coming out of his cage etc. He still doesn't feel safe in his big cage, so I am letting him spend most of his time in the travel cage and taking one big change at a time.

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Thanks for the advice. He is fine in the cage. And is not aggresive, just defensive. We will give him some time. Good to see he is at least eating and drinking. For those interested, I sometimes have a webcam on him, live. If interested, PM me for address and password.


By the way, we named him Rocky.

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Yes I echo the others suggestions that you give him time to settle into his new home, he has a lot of adjusting to do as everything is new to him, when he feels safer he will interact more with you. Let him dictate when he is ready for stepping up or coming out of his cage.

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The baby bird is home. Now the fun starts. For now dont expect too much from him by way of step up,he has enough to get familiar with in his new cage and home. Just talk to him and see if he will take treats from your hands.Clean his cage in a quiet calm mannor talking nice to him.He will soon let you know when he is ready for more interaction.

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Here are a few pictures from tonight. I have taken quite a few bites while trying to get him to perch on my hand. I dont let it get to me though.


Tonight might have been a small breakthrough. By using a toy to distract him with my left hand, I can get him to perch on my right hand without such bites. Once he is there, I keep the toy around, but he seems content.


My wife is a little nervous to try and get him, which I do not blame her for. She will probably take a small bite if she tries right now.


Is there any harm for their relationship by having her wait until he is tamer? I am hoping this biting thing stops within a week or too as he becomes more comfortable with us. IMG_2358_small.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: pepsico, at: 2009/11/28 04:46


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Oh, that cute little baby face!!!! They are just soooo sweet! What gorgeous pictures!


If your wife is nervous about handling Rocky he will also sense this and knows he will be able to get away with the nips and bites. She will need to overcome this fear if she intends to handle Rocky. It is best if all the people that intend on handling him throughout his life handle him when he is young - it brings him into your flock and shows him his family.


Good luck! ;)

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Congratulations on bringing your Grey home!


That is one beautiful Grey.


Your home, surroundings,you, wife and any other people are strangers to the new baby. It is completely understandable that your wife is nervous about trying to have the new arrival step-up.


One thing to understand also, is they test everything with their beak. This is especially true of anything they are about to perch on. It is natural instinct for them to "Test" how solid and sturdy a perch is before they step up on it. They test and feel everything through their beak for taste, texture etc. There is a huge difference between a "Test" beak and a bite. You will soon learn the difference.


It will take a few days for him to settle in and get used to this whole new world and people. Just take things slow and let him feel safe in his new home.


It is actually best that your wife not try to have him step up if she is nervous. The automatic reaction for most anyone that see's a bite coming or receives one, jerks their hand away. Then the parrot learns it can keep you at bay by doing so.


After your wife see's you have him stepping up properly and even eagerly. She will feel much more comfortable in having him step up for her.


Babies are very pliable and trusting once they get used to their new home.


Thanks for the photos and update. Looking forward to many more. :-)

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It has only been about 5 days now, but already he is coming around. We can get him to step up on out hands with only test bites, not hard bites like before.


I am starting to try and pet him, i get a little contact, it makes him nervous and he latches on, but does not bite hard. We are working on that.


My wife is exciting me the most as she was the most nervous about getting a parrot. She is really excited to see him develop relationships with the both of us so quickly.


I have a question though. Our breeder offered us a bird wellness guarantee. The only thing is, I would have to take him to a vet to get checked out. I dont want to put him through too much stress.


The breeder gave me very good information about vets, said that her breeder birds are tested yearly or twice a year. Is going to the vet for a wellness check necessary?

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Congratulations pepsico on you and Rocky bonding so quickly. As for the wellness check up. Absolutely this is a must. It ensures that Rocky is A-okay or if there happen to be any problems that they are taken care of quickly! The wellness check up is two-fold, you get a guarantee on Rockie from your breeder and you get a baseline to go by just encase there are health issues for Rocky in the future. All is good!

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