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Trips Outdoors?


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Okay, so I've been thinking about this, and I know you guys won't think I'm as crazy as some :P


Every time my husband and I go somewhere fun, I'm thinking of Yoshi and missing her, especially if we are out for more than a couple hours. Tonight we went to an outdoor restaurant by the beach and some guy had a Cockatoo there on a stand (yes, he was unharnessed and just chilling there) and it made me think about Yoshi, and all the stuff I'd like her to come to like that...


I know there is the flight harnesses, and I am considering getting one of those for Yoshi soon, even though a couple years back I tried the Feather Tether with a Quaker and didn't get much success...


My big question is WHERE can you take your birds? Those that have there birds leashed for the outdoors, where have you found is parrot friendly enough to bring your baby along? Or is it just for the walk outdoors?


I don't want people to think I'm dumb for wanting to go places with my bird :P I know you guys do it so I'd love to share some of your stories with family... we do live less than 10 minutes from the beach too and I bet Yoshi would like to see that...


Thanks!<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/11/25 05:40

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Earl and I primarily explore walking/hiking trails outside. Sometimes we go shopping for parrot toys, as most pet stores are animal friendly.


I'd love to find some other indoor places, but I'm pretty hesitant, because even though Earl is potty trained, and will go on command before entering a building, I'd be really nervous about having an accident somewhere.

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Go for the Aviator harness - the feather teather is just too much trouble and with all those clicks and bits - I can just see an accident waiting to happen - too many bits that can come undone!


I started taking Harvey for a walk on the beach a few weeks ago. He wasn't happy the first time (seagulls etc) but now he's fine.


I also take him to my parents' house with me on a regular basis. The sooner you get Yoshi used to going other places the better for you and Yoshi.


Like Earl, Harvey is potty trained so I feel I can take him to other people's homes - but I wouldn't if he wasn't ;) Go out and explore - enjoy - but training with an Aviator is a must - and not a quick process!! ;)

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The others have all given GreYt comments.


Your Grey would love accompanying you. A harness will be the best experience for Yoshi. But, also the most time required to get her used to the harness look and feel of it. You must also be able to lift her wings and place the a hoop over her head. The aviator harness comes with an excellent dvd that goes step by step in de-sensitizing your bird to being handle in the necessary way and in introducing it to your bird.


If you have the time and patience to do this, then go for it.


The other option is to get an adventure pack or pak-o-bird and let her enjoy going with in one of those. :-)

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I started with a feather tether, and actually found it easier to put on and take off than the aviator harness. however so did Earl, as he eventually learned to open the clips that hold it together.


the aviator harness took a little longer to get used to, as lifting the wings, rather than passing something under them was definitely not something Earl was interested in trying initially, but it does have the advantage of not being as easy for your parrot to remove.


The one warning I have regarding the aviator, is to pay attention if your parrot fiddles with the part of the aviator harness that adjust how/tight loose the harness is. Earl used to like to loosen/tighten the harness, and while a little loosening isn't a big problem he pulled it too tight once and gave me a scare as I didn't realize it until he started gasping... Luckily he doesn't seem to loosen/tighten his harness anymore, but I check it regularly while we are walking.

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