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Dayo - Videos...again...


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In this first video, Dayo and Jake are on the tree stand. Dayo, being the very sly strategist he is at getting a "Bite" in. Is using his most concerned speech mannerisms to lure Jake in for a nip...that never happens of course. :-)



In this 2nd and very short video, Dayo has been taught to open his top cage door on command, from the outside only of course. :P


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I love Dayo "What's the matter Jake" Jake's thinking "the matter is you're trying to bite my tail, that's what the matter is you big grey galoote!"


As for the cage door, you're going to regret that one day, Dan. :lol: It sure makes a satisfying bang that Dayo must love. He has grown into a beautiful bird, and Jake is a cutie. I have the feeling he knows exactly how fast Dayo and his beak can move!<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2009/11/24 22:52

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I have been enjoying your videos. Is the whole loud noise/bang thing just a sound your birds like? Or is it something most like?


Also, I saw the video of Dayo taking a bath in the pie pan. I realize the video is over a year old, but does he still do that? Do you notice a difference with the Aloe juice? I know you suggested it to me once.

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Thanks for all the kind comments from you all. I know for a fact that Dayo and Jake get a lot of fun out of each others company. Even though Dayo doesn't want any preening by Jake, Jake keeps hoping. :-)


CuteMandaPanda - Yes, he still gets in the pie pan for baths. But, he only gets his belly really wet while bathing and nothing else.


I use 100% Aloe juice to mist him with while he is inside his cage and drench him. He hates showers and the evil mist bottle. But, it is necessary weekly maintenance to keep their skin nice and supple to relieve the itchiness of their very dry dander producing skin.


Yes, they love loud clanging, banging and crashing sounds. They will lift up and throw anything not nailed down just to hear those sounds. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/25 17:42

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