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Why am I always the enemy???


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With thanks to those who offered suggestions on "taming" Argyle, particularly Chris (ecodweeb) who gave lots of helpful advice, I thought I'd offer the latest on him.


Well it's been about two weeks since I asked for advice and in that two weeks there have been positives. Argyle does seem to be warming to Jordan & Steve, he will allow Steve (not always but more often these days) to stroke his beak and feet through the cage bars, he will welcome Jordan home from school with a "hello", he also says this when Jordan answers the phone lol and he will dance with and for Jordan, HOWEVER it does seem to be me he dislikes intensely. It is rare he will allow me near his feet and even rarer I'm allowed near his beak!


I was wondering if his behaviour might have been hormonal and that this could be the reason it has got a little better.


TBH I'm beginning to get a little paranoid, why is it always me my fids reject? Steve seems to be the chosen one for both of my guys even though I am the one who feeds and cleans them. :(

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Julie you are doing fine.Argyle I think is not the easiest of birds but you are doing so well.Jordan appears to get on very well with him .Just keep up what you are doing and remember each member of the family can have a diferent relationship with a bird.

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Dont be downhearted Julie, its just the way they are and they do change from time to time.

Keeko my middle grey is really favouring my husband Dave at the moment. He is 21 months and changed this way about a month ago. He will still only let me handle him but flies to Dave every chance he gets or sits on his knee.

I am quite enjoying the relationship they are sharing at the moment, its nice to watch him being so close to someone else.


Your not the enemy Julie, your a great parront, Im sure Beau and Argyle feel this way too.:kiss:

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just hang in there and don't give up Amazons make wonderful pets because even though they may have a favorite person they will usually go to anyone and allow scritches and cuddles my Amazon will even go to a person she doesn't know as long as there is a scritch involved. mind you it has to be a woman she won't have anything to do with men but that because a man hit her and beat her when she was young so she hates all men but thats not her fault and I'm sure if that hadn't happened she would like everyone. so don't give up I'm sure everything will be great as long as everybody stays involed with hands on.

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