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Well we have a few changes going on at the moment, Charlie went into his new cage very well yesterday which was great! I did worry about the change but he has done really well.

The big changes happen tomorrow though. We have spent all morning stripping the room walls ready for the decorator coming in tomorrow. Again the birds were great whilst we moved everything around and the room was complete chaos!

I have bought new pictures and cushions etc and plan on getting curtains this afternoon (as the other ones are full of holes lol)

They are not going to be very happy tomorrow as they will be in their cages all day in the other room but I need to get my room done ready for xmas and Im fed up looking at no wallpaper!!!

Ive learnt the hard way as well and will be fitting perspex sheets to the walls behind the cages from the word go this time! No more food splattered walls!!

I will update you tomorrow night when I am hopefully sat in my new decorated poop and food free room:P

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Well, the decorating was finished Friday, all that was left to do was fit a small piece of door casing above the door (which never got done!)


Anyway, I have enjoyed my newly decorated room for 4 full days!

Yep, I went to make a coffee earlier and returned to Charlie and Keeko fighting over a large piece of wallpaper they had just ripped off above the door!

Obviously Daves fault for not putting the wood on dont you think?:whistle: :evil:

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How dare Dave - blokes!! Had he not been too lazy he would have stopped Charlie or Keeko (very hard to place the blame if both beaks were attached). I entirely blame him for this whole catastrophe! :laugh:


Oh how I love having painted walls - a touch up is easier than a paper job!! ;)

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Oh happy day to have a fresh new look. Go easy on Dave, that way when he does get the new frame on and one of the little beaks get to it he will cheerfully oblige to repair that too. :kiss: Think of the bright side, you could hire out the terrible twosome as wallpaper strippers in the future. Better still check with all your friends who are looking for an excuse to redecorate and hire them out to get it started for those who are procrastinating. When they rip off the first strip, it is the best time to call in the new wallpaper books for browsing.

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