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Micheal making progress.....


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Well today is a new day and I'm feeling so much better now than I did when I lost Ceasar.

Cosmo who's new name is Micheal (thats about all he says) is coming along a tiny bit at a time. He would not let me get him out of his cage and I cannot stand seeing a bird caged 24/7. Soooo I made the top of his cage where I can take it off. Micheal then climbs out and visits with Verbal and Linkin. he allowed me to carry him over to the back of my computer chair with only 2 bites that really weren't all that bad. he then sat there while I typed. We are trying this over and over again until he realizes I'm no Ogre. he still screams but is not flipping on his back like he did before. Its taking a slow but repetitive action to get this bird to trust me in the least. I think he's going to take longer than Ceasar did to gain his trust. He watches Linkin and Verbal interact with me and he twists his head this way and that, studying them as if to say "hey what are you doing fellow birds?" LOL

Linkin doesn't care for Verbal, Verbal is indifferent to both big birds and Micheal wants to get to know both of them. His interest in the other birds, especially when we are holding them gives me alot of hope.. Micheal will take treats from me but then he throws it so we are going along at a snails pace.

Just thought I'd drop in and tell everyone how Micheal is progressing.

Hugs and Love,

Rhonnie N Micheal

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