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Microwave/conventional oven


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After reading the forum for months, it was such a pleasure to be able to finally help someone else for a change. Our vet also mentioned to be very careful with microwave popcorn. The bag has a coating inside and it isn't an issue unless you burn it, but then it is as dangerous as the non-stick pans, oven coatings etc.

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We all just do our best to give them healthy food, restrict the things we know are dangerous and use anything suspect with caution and moderation. We installed an outdoor venting range hood that has an automated thermostat so even if I boil water for tea it will kick the fan on and off automatically. But, that doesn't protect me from forgetting I have a pan on the stove.

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One thing to note about all birds resporitory systems.


They are one of the most sensitive creatures on this planet to airborne gases and particles. Thus the reason miners used birds to detect the presence of gas. The bird would be dead before the miners knew there was anything harmful present in the air and would evacuate the mine.


I just read of one poor bird owner that lost several birds in his house and did not understand why. No Teflon or airborne chemicals in the house etc.


It so happened that the local gas utility man was doing his meter readings and the family asked if he could measure for the presence of any gas leaks. No gas leaks present, but the carbon monoxide levels were off the charts and at a level it was also dangerous to humans. Further investigation found it was their furnace. The utility man had never encountered an issue this severe with a furnace before.


The family moved to a hotel room temporarily until the furnace was repaired.


The moral of my story is, to hell with what may cause cancer over the long term. Worry about what airborne chemicals will kill your much loved birds in seconds.

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