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F-ing Hek!!!


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I am missing three keys and have a hole in another just from Java, I can only imagine what is going to happen with the two of them work in tandem. I like Dan's idea of getting them each a bucket of old keys from cast off keyboards. Maybe it will help if I run and wave my arms in a dither when they get in the bucket, it seems to be what makes Java practice her wicked chuckle. Uh oh Alfie, you are pressing your luck!

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Lol Dee, She has already swiped the K off the other keyboard, so maybe you're right! And I think Dan's big bucket of spare keys might work, if you put a big sign on it saying "PARROTS - KEEP OUT!!"

Don't know what it is about them Jill - they're just irresistable to ALf!

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I think these birds are testing our abilities to fix things. Those blasted scissor clips are wicked to get back on once they get them off. With Java I think it is also a message to stop bringing all these other birds into her house, LOL. I love when I have a video up and she goes behind the laptop to see the other side of the bird on the screen.

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katana600 wrote:

I love when I have a video up and she goes behind the laptop to see the other side of the bird on the screen.


Do you know I'd never thought of that! Alfie often does that, but I've always assumed she's contemplating nonsense! Hmm, maybe not!!

Nah! With Alf, it must be nonsense!!

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