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What age to start training?


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Hey folks!!! My grey Snowy.. is around 7 weeks old (presently being hand fed) and I was wondering as to what age should I start training him and what should I start with? I dont want to be too late or too soon.


Any replies are highly appreciated!!

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Snowy has a long life ahead of her yet :P Give her time, figure out what foods are her favorite for treats. Start with something easy and fun. Yoshi actually started out with 'Step Up'. I'd have her step up a couple times and reward her, till she understood and was super eager to do something so easy for a treat.


Yoshi is now 7 months and can step up, turn in circles, give lots of kisses, and has just mastered falling backwards 'BANG' shot from standing on my hand. she will swing lifelessly until we say 'Good job Yoshi!' and then will spring back up with a bunch of flapping.


Good luck in future training, just stay persistent and make it fun and you will be surprised what Snowy can do :)

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Hi Neil, Jess is right, stepping up is the obvious one to start with and the best tools to use to get Snowy (or any parrot) to comply is her favourite foods/treats, progress from this to getting her to fly to you on command - again for a treat.


I would say that about 12+ weeks is a good age to start the training process, wait until she can perch and fly and away you go.

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I think with step up training the sooner the better.As soon as snowy is able to perch and balance and showing an interest in what is going on round her.It is always easier to train when young.Just go at snowys pace and use positive reenforcement and lots and lots of praise.

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Thanks for the inputs folks.. will start with step up as soon as Snowy is able to perch... i think it will be a couple of weeks more before he can effectively balance himself on a perch. He is walking better than before but sometimes does loose balance (especially while stretching his legs and wings).

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