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Vacuum Cleaner


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As you all know Beau has no feathers on his right wing, and obviously must be kept as low as possible. We've managed to convince him not to climb too high in his cage, his perches are all low and so are his food bowls. Since he's feeling better, he's wandering around more, and doesn't just want to sit on his playstand, so to keep him entertained, I've strung toys under the bottom of my desk for him to play with and he has food bowls to eat out of. His favorite thing to do is throw food, of course that seems to be Dixie's favorite thing to do as well.


Usuaslly I feed all the birds and then take LP to school, coming home to vacuum, change paper and let the birds out. The other day I was running behind schedule on letting the birds out and running the vaccum, so I let them out first and without thinking set Beau down on his floor perch. Before I could get to the vacuum, here's Beau, going under the desk, cleaning up his few pellets and pieces of nuts that he had left. When he was done with that, he heads over to Dixie's cage area, quickly picking up the pellets she had thrown out from breakfast and was happily munching on them. If he keeps this up I'll never have to vacuum again!

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Thats the first time ive heard of one cleaning up after themselves!!!! Mine make as much mess as they can and hinder when im trying to clean up after them. Bella insists on sticking her head up the vac hose while im vaccing the cage, i think she likes the g force of her beak being sucked up there, i keep her out of the way now, i cant see it being any good for her!

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Well, Beau won't touch the feathers that Dixie has molted all over the place, so the vacuum is still doing it's job, but I'm not finding pellets on the floor anymore. It's a very good exercise in foraging for Beau as I see it, and keeps me on my toes constantly looking for him. Dixie on the other hand has found quite a bit of delight at throwing things down to Beau. Not sure if she's trying to feed him or rain pellets on him like bombs...lol.

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