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Parrot Jealousy


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Does anyone else's grey/parrot demand your full attention when out of his/her cage? Beau absolutely HATES me being on my laptop above all else. If I have my headphones on he will attack them or chew any wire coming from the laptop. Yesterday whist I was talking to Jude he decided to crap on the screen and I had to hastily run for the kitchen towel as it slid down towards the keyboard. :S He is such a :evil:

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That bad Beau, he cut our chat short yesterday because he wouldn't behave, I don't have this problem with Josey as she doesn't fly so she stays where I put her.


I have a different problem but I think it stems from jealousy also, yesterday I had both my grand girls at the house and Sunny flew to the smallest girl and tried to bite her. She was on her back in her hair, thats what protected her from actually being bitten but she does not want them to get too close to me. I had to end up putting Sunny in her cage to keep the girls safe. She is fine with my grandson but the girls she will attack.

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Ana Grey likes to sit on the top of my computer screen and eat nuts or whatever. Either that or on the boing over the desk. I have the back of my screen covered to protect the wires from her and so far she has been a good girl. She has been warned off the keyboard from day one and so pretty such ignores it now, not that I would ever trust her near it alone!!!!:evil:

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Dixie likes to chatter, which is fine, but if I'm watching a movie or show that has particular interest (most of the time it's just noise) she chatters even more and louder. If the phone rings, you can guarantee she's going to talk. There have been times I've had to leave my office to have a conversation because Dixie want's me to talk to her, to the point of just calling my name. My doctor's office thought it was a child needing my attention...lol. When I explained, no that's my bird wanting my attention I thought the nurse on the other end was going to die from laughter.

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Did you have your conversation playing out over the speakers? Harvey goes mad and won't shut up anytime I'm talking to anyone on skype - funny thing is - it's only people with different accents - he doesn't give a hoot when the family call!!! :laugh:


Harvey's quite good and will sit on his playstand and amuse himself for quite a length of time when we are in the living room with him though! ;)

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I had the same issue with Dayo in regards my attention when he would get bored watching me on the PC or Laptop.



Solution.... I roll the T-Stand or Tree Stand over right next to me with good food in the bowls and lots of toys dangling. He prefers to stay on it most the time until he gets played out or stops preening.


He went through one keyboard, which I stripped all the Keys off of and he now has them in a coffee can which he dumps over and plays with keys. It's almost as if he is a person rolling in bed with a million dollars....Mine Mine Mine it's ALL mine!!! :P

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Yoshi is happy on my shoulder napping while I'm on the computer, or begging for scratches. Other times she is fumbling around my desk, ripping up an old book that I purposefully got for her, or getting into some sort of mischief. If she starts to get bored I put her back on her cage-top with a pistachio and she's all good.


She doesn't have a problem with my computer, but then I'm not on it all the time... and we have no problems with her being too loud EVER because she is so ridiculously quiet. Lol, sometimes I wonder if she can even get loud, but then she occasionally does a loud call if we are downstairs without her... I love my weird Yoshi :P

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