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Rishi on his new atom


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Yes he is nervous and hesitant. It has been hanging there for some time, near his day-time perch while he got used to it. This is the first time that he was actually on it about an hour or so back. I need to get some more hanging thingies on it for him, after he is comfortable.

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GreYt photo of the bold and brave Rishi on his Atom. :-)


My Grey is VERY cautious as well of new items like that as well.


It took him 3 weeks to decide the new treestand was not an evil Grey devouring branched monster straight out of hell. :P

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What a great looking toy! I would love one of these for Alfie, but I haven't seen anything like that for sale in the uk, and I'm not clever enough to make one myself!

Alfie is a fraidy cat when it comes to new things too - she takes 3 or 4 weeks to accept big toys, sometimes longer!

Great pic - thanks for sharing.

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Thanks everyone. I bought this on my recenet trip to the US. I found it in a bird shop in Portland. I had to dismantle it (which was not an easy task !!) and then open my suitcase in Portland, Amsterdam and Muscat (I guess those tubes show up suspiciously on the scanner screen !!) but it was worth it.

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