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H1N1 Cabin Fever


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OK, this a blatant plea for sympathy. I've had the flu since the 17th and it sucks! If you are around someone constantly clearing their throat, coughing and sneezing, it is not rude to treat them like typoid Mary, it's self-preservation:)My elderly father lives with me but I've kicked his butt to his lady friends' (with her permission). He just dropped off some meds and food and I just fell short of making him do a Silkwood shower after he touched a phone I hadn't wiped down.:ohmy:


On the bright side, Dorian started saying "I love you" last week, and has been saying it over and over again every time I surface from the bedroom. Stay well my grey friends:kiss:

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Sorry to hear you aren't well - this flu is flying through the population. Good of you to pack your dad off though - it's the elderly that it's hitting worst, so prevention is definitely the key word here!


How lovely that Dorian said "I love you" when you are feeling so low - that would brighten my day too. Get well soon xx :)

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Be kind to yourself and take the extra time to rest a bit when you think you are feeling better. It is good to know Dorian and your dad are cared for and supportive to you. Whatever you do, don't let your dad read the forum that described him as elderly... LOL. Come to think of it, I should read my kid's forums and facebook. LOL. My best to you as you recover completely.

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Thank you all for the kind words. Yes, I will be Super-Immune Girl after this, able to brave crowded shopping malls and subway trains fearlessly:P Take this flu seriously guys, it will knock you out. Mine started with a little tickle in my throat and a headache, and the headache soon became terrible (and I'm used to migraines) If you start to feel any symptoms at all, go home asap, take echinacea, vitamin C, hot tea, hot toddy, whatever works for you, curl up with a book, a blanket, the remote, relax and get some rest.


My fever seems finally to have broken. I may even try putting on clothes that aren't pyjamas:blink: Take care of yourselves.

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Acappella wrote:

I may even try putting on clothes that aren't pyjamas:blink: .


Lol - be careful with that - you may have a setback! Just take it slowly!!


Seriously though, sorry you've been poorly, and I do hope you start to feel better soon.

You've done right with your Dad - I don't go near my mum when I'm contagious!

How sweet to hear Dorian say I love you! I bet that cheered you up!

Feel better soon!


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Glad to hear Acapella is getting past the flu and is one of the superimmune. I haven't been on the list of those permitted to get the flu shot yet. Darn that Jill getting ahead of me, now I will have to scratch her name off my list of who I plan to visit if I contract the swine flu.

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Well, I didn't listen to Pearlyn and I did overdo it (if trying to lay a laminate floor is over doing it) had a relapse and missed Dorian's 6th birthday (See soon to exist post in the lounge). Hopefully I'm finally over it. I know there are alot of people who don't believe in the flu shot, but this is the first time in seven years I've gotten the flu, and the first time I didn't get a flu shot, so for what it's worth . . .:)

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