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The Pterodactyl!


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Hi Folks!


I've heard Dan make reference to Dayo's "pterodactyl" a couple of times and wondered if this is what he's on about!

Alfie has done this really since she could fly, only ever does it on the wing and I'm just wondering if anybody else has seen their greys do this!?

I'm not sure either what it means, I think it's just pure exuberance!

It's really hard to capture on vid as it comes out of no-where and just lasts a split second, so it's a very short clip!!



Hope you and yours are all well!


Lyn & Alfie


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How interesting that this kind of language will get birds attention more readily it seems than regular bird speak! When I played this back Alfie totally tuned in to it, then took off, screeching in unison with herself!! I'm going to try playing it again for her when she is in a talkative mood and see if I can't get a better shot of the "Pteradactyl"!

Talking of which, I was astonished to find loads of actual sightings of pteradactyls on youtube! Apparantly there have been around 1400 sightings of them in America in the last 30 years! Who knew??!


Thanks for the replies folks.



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You must have sat there with the video running all day for that! How on earth did you get it on tape - it's such a snapshot decision that they make to do this!


Harvey does this and it always starts on the playtop on his cage - then all hell breaks loose - he careers around the house at the top of his lungs too! Noisy little so and so!!!


Great video Lyn! Well done for catching it! ;)

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pearllyn wrote:

Imagine if they do it in the wild too - 100s of grey flying around doing the Pterodactyl! Mad!!


They do it in the wild as well. Normally it is related to a threat, also as a call to flight as some of the "In the Wild" videos I have posted here show.


One or a few will start screaming and then they all follow suit and fly away screaming as a massive flock.



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danmcq wrote:

They do it in the wild as well. Normally it is related to a threat, also as a call to flight as some of the "In the Wild" videos I have posted here show.


Thats a good video - hadn't found that one yet!

Hmm, not sure if she's feeling threatened when she does it, so maybe she's inviting us to join in her play time? Interesting!

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