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Here is GUAPO, our rescued Amazon Parrot...or shall I say, BELLA's parrot---as she is the one he is smitten with! They are SO cute to watch together! She actually cried last night, she was so happy that he liked her! I had told the children it might take a while for him to warm up to us, since he is an older parrot and not a baby, like Dodo and Rainbow were when we got them. I can't wait until his new cage comes in! He already seems very content with his new life, and we are very pleased! Bella says she doesn't care if he ever grows feathers, he's "awesome" to her! :cheer: GUAPO.jpg

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Guapo is doing fantastic! It's like he's been here all along, really. The only thing is I can't get him to step up yet, or come out of his cage, though I leave his door open for him for hours (while I am watching closely, of course.) But he loves for all of the family members to give him scratches on his head, he takes food from our hands readily and he's a VERY eager eater! He ate all the veggies I've hand fed him, and the ones I left in his bowl while I was away, too! My CAG is much, much pickier, and flings much of his veggies to the floor! Not Guapo, he seems to understand that there is an abundance of EVERYTHING here, just ready for him, most of all LOVE!:) He makes sweet little whistles and sounds when he's pleased with our attention, and wants more, or he'll occasionally call out a "Hello" as we walk by him. He's in a great spot, he can see us as we sit in the LR, DR, and kitchen. He seems very happy with the activity level in the house, too...which I'm pleased with. I was worried our home might just be too active for him. He even "barks" when he sees one of our Pekingese dogs go by. Too funny! The other day, the kids were all sitting around the table, eating, and this strange sound started coming out of him. He wouldn't stop...it sounded like a sort of growl...but the more they'd eat, the more he'd growl. Well, we handed him some food, and he snatched it up immediately! When he was done eating, he growled for more! Does this mean he wants to be a part of the family for dinnertime, or are we reinforcing a negative habit? :unsure:

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Sounds like things are going beautiful with Guapo as part of your household. As for him joining you for dinner, I think it all depends on what you want to do. If you want him to join the family at meal time, by all means do it. If not then I wouldn't encourage it. It all depends on what the family would like the routine to be. Enjoy your new fid, for it sounds like he is very happy being part of your family!

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He is already bringing such joy into our household! He watches carefully while I hold my CAG, and I don't think he's afraid of anyone here. The kids fool with him constantly, and he encourages their interaction whenever he sees them nearby. I never thought I'd know how to handle a rescue, because of their age and temperment, but he is just a sweetheart! He belongs here, and the wonderful thing is I think he knows it!;)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

rezQ birdz R the best. B) i am shure u will be wanting to rezq more in the future. like i said they R the preferred bird. bird breeders will tell u otherwise b/cuz theyz want u to buy one of theres that they breed for profit. get the word out. rezq birdz R the best.


im so glad i never got into the biz. u guyz were wright to educate me otherwise. :)


reel bird lovers love their birds with or without feathers.<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/11/25 22:10

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