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Hello folks!


I am Neil Mandevia from Mumbai India. Have kept Cockatiels and Sun Conures.. just got my first Grey 2 days back .. its a 40 day old chick and unweaned. I know the breeder well (he's a dear friend). Attaching some pictures of Snowy.. my new Grey! I have weaned cockatiels and conures before.. and not facing any particular difficulty in feeding Snowy.


Let me know what do u think about him!! Snowy_1___Resized.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: neil, at: 2009/11/21 07:38


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Just a little addition on the introduction.. I am feeding Snowy Kaytee mix in the proportion of 1 portion power x 1.5 portions water.


Feeding this to him (each feed of around 30-35 ml) 4 times a day at 4 hour intervals right now.


He is kept in a corrugated box with coarse saw dust.


He basically asks for food, eats (feeding takes around 20-30 mins) , stretches his wings and neck and legs for around 15-20 mins and thereafter sleeps for a couple of hours... I've been told that this activity is usual at this age.


Let me know if I should be doing anything more!


I will soon post more pics and videos of Snowy.


Thanks.<br><br>Post edited by: neil, at: 2009/11/21 10:49

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Welcome Neil.

You have a cute baby there and I am certain you will do your best for him....

How ever I believe that 40 days is far to young to take a baby from its parent bird.

Greys, especially Congo's would stay with the parent birds for at least a year and would start to look for a partner at about two years old.

It ia quite possible that your baby will go off you as he gets mature.

IMHO removing babies from parents to hand wean and also wing clipping are the worst way to start a Greys life.

Grey parrots have been perfecting the art of rearing their young for millions of years. I think they probably know how to do it properly by now.



Steve n Misty

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

molly and marvin grey R treated to some of this stuff on a farely regular basis. with a little help from tehir dad they manage to scarf it all down rather quickly. ;) tasty stuff . u shuld try some. i have had no ill effects. :)

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Snowy's doing great... makes funny noises while eating.... Today he just started shredding the newspaper bedding below the sawdust in his box (he moved all the sawdust and tore the newspaper into shreds... see picture) and I spoke to the breeder about this behaviour and he said that this guy is getting ready to be weaned and I shoudl start giving him (albeit extremely gradually) soft food other than the mix that he's being fed... I am gonna try some very soft dried, split chickpea (after boiling) and see if he's ready to eat..


in the meanwhile... check out some pics!!



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GreYt photos of your baby!


If these photos are from the last few days. That baby is only around 7 weeks old. It will try out different foods you offer like the peas, cut up fruits etc. But, it is no where near being a weaning age of between 12 to 20 weeks.


Thanks for posting these photos and update. Looking forward to many more!! :-)

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Hey Danmcq... the pics are as recent as today and yesterday!!


Thanks for the input.. the age quoted by you is perfect!! on the day of the last pics he was exactly 44 days old.. so thats 7 weeks and 2 days!!


Any ideas as to what fruits should I start off with.. I know that he's not eaten fruits before when he was with the breeder.

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You can try out any types of fruits, veggies etc. They mostly like to beak them and test the texture and taste of them. They may even consume a little if they find it really tasty.


We gave ours cut up apricots, cooked mini pumpkins cut up, peaches, apple, grape, broccoli, carrots etc. At about 8 weeks, a bowl with pellets, some mash etc was in their cage constantly for them to sample.


You can also offer a little warmed up infant human baby foods that are pureed like squash, carrots etc. as well. But, just make sure at his age you have fed him the all important an nutritious formula first, as the fruits and veggies do not contain all the is necessary for a healthy start in life as the formula is.

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Just a small update.. today for the first time tried giving Snowy some soft papaya ...prior to the morning formula feed (as he is generally very hungry in the mornings)...


Snowy came near the plate where the mashed papaya was kept tasted some guess he loved it.. cause he started looking at me and wanted me to feed him with with my hand.. gave him some more with hand and he ate some then lost interest.. fed him his regular quota of formula thereafter..


But guess he was excited about the papaya as he kept on shifting the steel bowl (with the papaya) from one place to another though he couldnt lift it properly... But he kinda got possessive about the bowl and played with it for nearly an hour.. Should I give him some toys at this stage to play with?


Will try some boiled split chick peaas in the afternoon..

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Hey Folks.. thanks for all the compliments on Snowy!!



Just a small update...

Yesterday just before the afternoon feeding (second) at around 1 PM gave Snowy some apple! he seemed to love it but did not eat a lot but did nibble on it for some time. Thereafter fed him the formula.


In the evening (6 PM) gave him the formula as usual.


By the way till the day before yesterday he was having around 40 ml (including the spillage) of formula 4 times a day.


Tried some chick peas (soft boiled) and fresh papaya pulp at 8 PM and this guy was hell bent on eating all of it. Consumed a lot of chickpeas more than 8 for sure. Slept soundly after this.


Woke him up at 11 PM (he gets annoyed when woken up and makes cute sounds showing his annoyance) and fed him the formula again in the night around 11 PM and he had only 30 ml. This morning too he was not very inclied on the formula he ate around 30 ml and was satisfied. He is now just 8 weeks old.


Is it natural for him to slowly start rejecting the formula as he is doing? Do you suggest i stop the other foods now and keep him only on the formula?


More pictures coming up soon!<br><br>Post edited by: neil, at: 2009/11/25 06:49

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